A virtual tour of Japan – what drives Japan?

Japanese food

Japan’s stock exchange is driving change – what’s the impact and will it be enduring? Nicholas Smith, a leading Japan strategist from CLSA, share his insights with us.

A virtual tour of Japan – Japan’s place in the world

Map of Japan

What is Japan’s role in modern geopolitics, and how can it balance relations between the US and China? We seek the views of Robert Ward, a Japan expert from the IISS.

Talking factsheet: Global high yield bond strategy

Talking factsheet: Global High Yield Bond Strategy

Adam Darling gives an overview of Jupiter’s global high yield bond strategy, how the investment process works, and how the team seek to generate alpha.

Talking factsheet: Jupiter global flexible bond strategy

Talking factsheet: Global Flexible Bond Strategy

Ariel Bezalel gives an overview of Jupiter’s Strategic Bond Fund, how the investment process works, and how the team seek to generate alpha.

Talking factsheet: Asian equity income strategy

Jason Pidcock gives an overview of Jupiter’s Asian equity income strategy, how the investment process works, and how the team seek to generate alpha.

Rethinking fixed income: two top bond managers debate the path ahead

Ante la incertidumbre sobre la inflación y los tipos, ¿cómo deben navegar los inversores a través de los mercados de renta fija? En este vídeo, Matthew Morgan, Responsable de Renta Fija, pide su opinión a Ariel Bezalel y Mark Nash.

With uncertainties over inflation and rates, how should investors navigate bond markets? In this video, Matthew Morgan, Head of Fixed Income, asks Ariel Bezalel and Mark Nash for their views.

Alternatives: seeking true diversification

Alternatives: seeking true diversification

In a year when equities and bonds have both fallen, this video looks at three alternative strategies.

Emerging markets: why focus matters

Emerging markets: why focus matter

There are both opportunities and pitfalls in emerging market equities, and this video explains why.

Alternatives: gold and silver

Alternatives: gold and silver

In a time of economic turmoil, monetary metals are of interest.

Alternatives: flexible fixed income

Alternatives: flexible fixed income

In a year when bonds have fallen, alternative strategies are of interest.