The value of active minds
The value of active minds
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bond Fund
Fixed income for a new world
In today’s market, there is room for a different approach to fixed income exposure. This strategy uses dynamic and speedy asset allocation to target risk-adjusted returns and small drawdowns.
Jupiter Emerging Market Debt Strategies
An asset class for all seasons
Access one of the fastest-growing fixed income sectors of the past decade.
Latest insights
Webcast: Jupiter Asia Pacific Income Fund (IRL) – seeking income & growth
Fixed Income Investments: Gearing up for a fluid macro environment
Webcast: Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return Fund
Positioning bond investments for steep rate cuts
Our products by asset class
Jupiter’s equity funds invest around the world through active and unconstrained management.
Fixed income
Flexibility is at the heart of our approach with solutions that aim to meet a range of needs.
Our approach to ESG is focused on investing our clients’ assets responsibly to enhance returns.
Market and exchange rate movements can cause the value of an investment to fall as well as rise, and you may get back less than originally invested.
Past performance is no guide to the future.