A heady cocktail of demand for silver

A heady cocktail of demand for silver

Ned Naylor-Leyland explains why he sees a supply and demand mismatch in the physical silver market and what it may mean for the price of the metal

Silver rumbling, earthquake coming?

Ned Naylor Leyland - Silver Bullion insight Feb 2021

The pressure on physical silver supply, as previously forecast by our desk, has come into sharp focus lately, leading to questions about what could happen to the price of silver if investment flows into ETFs continue apace.

Reflation and the Release of Animal Spirits? Not So Fast …

Ariel Bezalel says reflation trade proponents may have gotten ahead of themselves and that we will remain in a low-rates-for-longer environment.

Silver squeeze: What’s behind the surge in silver?

Silver squeeze: What’s behind the surge in silver?

Ned Naylor-Leyland explains how huge retail and industrial demand for silver is set to outpace supply.

Active Minds – Normality might come slowly, but sustainability is here to stay

Normality might come slowly, but sustainability is here to stay

Abbie Llewellyn-Waters explains why she is sceptical of current market optimism about economies reopening, but not of the undeniable momentum in sustainable investing.

Letter to investors

Letter to investors

Ariel Bezalel shares his views on financial markets and the global economy in 2021.

Active Minds – Bond market wobbles over election, Fed direction

Active Minds – Bond market wobbles over election, Fed direction

Mark Nash looks at choppy bond markets in the first trading days of the year, and explains why he believes the Fed cannot sit back and let the market set rates.

Active Minds – A positive outlook for risk assets in 2021?

Active Minds – A positive outlook for risk assets in 2021?

Talib Sheikh asks whether 2021 could be positive for risk assets. Meanwhile, Ned Naylor-Leyland warns that a siren song might lure unwary investors onto the rocks.

Brinton Johns: Picking up speed in the shift to digital

Double disruption!

Brinton Johns of NZS Capital considers how Covid has accelerated the shift to a digital economy and which companies will benefit from the changes.

A great time to allocate to EMD – but differentiation remains crucial

2021 Outlook Alejandro

With many investors looking to increase their emerging market debt exposure in 2021, Alejandro Arevalo explains why differentiation is vital when investing in such a diverse asset class.