Investment approach
Jupiter takes a materiality approach to integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) into our investment processes. ESG integration enables us to develop a view of the material risks and opportunities a company or asset is exposed to; many of which may evolve dynamically and seeks to understand how these may develop through time. These insights are then incorporated into valuation and investment decisions to the extent that investment restrictions permit.
We have identified material sustainability issues that underpin both Jupiter’s corporate and investment strategy and approach.Investment teams consider these issues* in their portfolio construction, asset allocation and investment approach.
*where the investment team deems the issue material to the investment case, or the products, services or operations of the investee company, has a material impact related to these themes
Please see our Resources & Reports section for more information.
Active Ownership & Stewardship
Our Responsible Investment Policy sets out our approach to stewardship and active ownership.
We aim to invest in companies where we support their strategies, management teams and business models. As active owners, our investment teams focus on helping our clients achieve their long-term investment objective through thoughtful portfolio construction. Where ESG opportunities arise, we actively engage and exercise stewardship to monitor and support progress, whilst being cognisant of our responsibilities to escalate concerns that may arise.
As stewards of our client’s capital, we have a duty to manage assets in a responsible manner with reference to the integration of sustainability risks, making informed voting decisions and conducting effective engagement. Stewardship is a central pillar of our active management proposition and is centred on our ability to utilise our influence and rights to help companies maximise long-term sustained value creation to the benefit of our clients.
This is a dynamic area of investment linked to the heart of Jupiter’s purpose It is a responsibility where demands have intensified as we contend with real-word complexities.
The exercise of rights and responsibilities through informed voting is fundamental to Jupiter’s active management and active ownership approach. Proxy voting is a representation of our clients’ interests and underpins both accountability and the alignment of interests between asset owners and beneficiaries. Voting serves as an intersection between companies and investors. Consequently, we have adopted an investment-led approach where voting plays an important role in effective stewardship, the promotion of good governance and our efforts to maximise investor value
For more details of our voting activity, see Principle 12 of our annual Stewardship Report.
Sustainable Investment Products
We are supportive of the accelerating shift to a sustainable global economy and offer a range of dedicated funds investing in the transition to a sustainable global economy and environmental solutions. Please refer to our Spotlight Funds page for further information.