Multi-Manager Portfolios

Blending the best funds we can find to help meet a range of investment objectives

Please bear in mind that all investments involve risk and the value of, and any potential income from, your investment may fluctuate and are not guaranteed.

Run by the highly experienced Jupiter Independent Funds Team, our multi-manager portfolios are collections of funds, which in themselves might invest in shares, bonds or other types of investments such as gold.
The Jupiter Merlin Portfolios range of multi-manager funds (also known as fund of funds) is built on the premise that investors should be able to outsource the process of fund selection to a professional team of experts, if they so desire. To this end, our experts research the entire fund universe for what they consider to be the best available fund choices, blending these into portfolios that also reflect their views about the risks and opportunities of the current market environment.
That multi-manager approach can be harnessed to meet various investment goals including capital growth and sustainable income. It can also be applied across a range of different investment styles, from a relatively cautious blend of bonds and shares to a more aggressive blend of funds, across both developed and emerging markets.