Low correlation

Value-adding diversifiers. Strategies with low correlation to mainstream equity and credit markets seek to produce attractive risk-adjusted returns across diverse market environments.


Strategic Absolute Return Bond

Absolute return objective. Dynamic, macro-driven strategy with the general risk profile of traditional fixed income and positive return when equity, credit and rates markets were negative.

Systematic Equity Market Neutral

Market neutral, rules-based, and factor-driven global equity strategy seeks to dynamically harvest proven equity risk premia.

Contact us

Contact Jupiter Institutional for more information. 

Email: Institutional@jupiteram.com

Tom Gardner

Head of Global Institutional
Tel: 020 3817 1703

Pippa Rudling

Director – Global Institutional
Tel: 020 3817 1401

Adam Phua

Head of Institutional – Asia Pacific
Tel: +852 3125 8196

Alicia McInnes

Sales Support Executive
Tel: 020 3817 1345