Jupiter Dynamic Bond
Aim for monthly payout (Dividends may be paid out of the fund’s capital and it is not guaranteed refer to risk disclosure 4)
Important Information
- Jupiter India Select (the “Fund”) primarily invests in equities and equity-related securities in India, and selected opportunities in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal and the Maldives.
- Such investments may be subject to strong price fluctuations; it is also likely to be more volatile than funds with a broader range of investments. Investment in emerging and less developed markets would be subject to certain risk factors and involve considerations not typically associated with investment in major western jurisdiction, including the legal, judicial and regulatory infrastructure, the development of securities markets, the accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards and requirements, the corporate legislation and availability of information to investors. The Fund may fall in value and therefore investment in the Fund may suffer losses. The Fund may also be subject to foreign exchange risks.
- The Fund may make use of any one or a combination of the following instruments hedging or efficient portfolio management purposes only: futures, options and swaps and other financial derivative instruments (“FDI”). In adverse circumstances, the Fund’s use of FDI may become ineffective in hedging / efficient portfolio management and the Fund may suffer significant losses in relation to those investments. Risks associated with financial derivative instruments include counterparty/credit risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk and over-the-counter transaction risk.
- This investment involves risks which may result in loss of part or the entire amount of your investment. Investors should not base their investment decision on this document alone and must refer to the Hong Kong offering documents of the Fund for further details (including risk factors) prior to investing
The Jupiter Dynamic Bond fund is a ‘go anywhere,’ high-conviction fund, meaning the managers are able to seek out the best opportunities within the fixed interest universe on a global basis while carefully managing downside risk.
The large and highly experienced fund management team led by Ariel Bezalel, Head of Strategy, Fixed Income, and Harry Richards, Fund Manager, are constantly assessing the dynamics of global fixed income markets, managing risk in the portfolio through adjustments to asset allocation, security selection and duration management. The result is a flexible and highly diversified, global, unconstrained bond fund that can be the cornerstone of an investor’s fixed income allocation.
No benchmark
Credit research for ESG
The team ensures credit research captures environmental, social and governmental risks and opportunities. They also use access to management to highlight ESG issues.
The possibility to flexibly alter the portfolio duration of the fund provides the managers with an additional lever to cushion portfolio risk or even to benefit from changes in interest rates.
Meet the team
Jupiter Fixed Income Team
Investors in the fund can benefit from the expertise and experience of our fund managers and credit analysts, who optimise exposure to all parts of the global bond market in any environment. The team is headed by Ariel Bezalel, Head of Strategy, Fixed Income, who has over 20 years of experience in sovereign and credit markets, along with Fund Manager Harry Richards, Fund Manager Vikram Aggarwal, a team of dedicated credit analysts led by Luca Evangelisti, Head of Credit Research, with additional expertise provided by Matthew Morgan, Investment Director, Fixed Income. The whole team is based in London, with the single location fostering strong team interaction, communication, and agility of active fund management.
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