The journey to net zero: how we analyse bond issuers’ carbon footprints

The journey to net zero how we analyse bond issuers’ carbon footprints

Harry Richards, Fund Manager, Fixed Income, and Anna Karim, Fixed Income ESG Director, share how their team analyses companies supporting the transition to net zero.

A reality check of China’s embattled real estate sector: Trip notes

A reality check of China’s embattled real estate sector Trip notes

Xuchen Zhang, Credit Analyst, Emerging Market Debt, sheds light on China’s beleaguered property sector after a recent visit. In view of the on-the-ground realities, Alejandro Arevalo, Head of Emerging Market Debt, and Xuchen consider prospective opportunities and potential challenges in the market.

Hawkish Fed and Chinese bond yields

Building blocks in China

Vikram Aggarwal discusses the implications for risk assets as central banks withdraw support and highlights policy divergence in developed and emerging market countries.

Why to avoid exchange-traded products when investing in gold

Gold bar

Given a positive backdrop for gold, how can you look to gain exposure? Ned Naylor-Leyland explains the merits of investing through bullion funds rather than ETPs.

China’s decarbonisation roadmap – worth a second look

Solar panels

China has outlined a step-by-step path to net zero and provided specific decarbonisation targets. Patty Cao explains why investors should take note.

Macro Monitor: Bond market returns at risk in 2022

Macro-Monitor Insight-11.02

Mark Nash, James Novotny and Huw Davies discuss inflation, the Fed and what a short, sharp cycle of rate hikes may mean for global economic growth.

The central banking pantomime


Ned Naylor-Leyland comments on the dynamics in gold and silver markets, as a central banking pantomime has so far had a suppressing effect on prices.

Why boring isn’t bad in bond markets


Harry Richards examines how bond markets have reacted to increased interest rate expectations and explains why ‘boring’ isn’t bad in bond markets.

Flexible Bond update: The Fed’s fighting inflation at almost any cost


Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards discuss a volatile period for fixed income and the latest pivot from the Fed, which the market suspects is making a policy error.

Emerging Market Debt: Peak Fear?


Alejandro Arevalo and Jupiter’s Emerging Markets Debt team say investor sentiment towards Emerging market debt may turn quickly if political and policy macro headwinds ease later this year.