Jupiter Puzzle


In today’s rapidly changing macroeconomic and market environment, investors face a variety of challenges. Explore how our strategies may help.

Genuine diversification: adding alternative assets to a portfolio

A well-managed portfolio should be well-diversified, and today this means going beyond traditional equities and bonds. However, not all ‘alternative’ assets provide the low correlation required for genuine diversification.

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Maximising gains and minimising pain

Inflation volatility has made the interest rate outlook increasingly uncertain. How can investors improve their risk-adjusted returns in fixed income portfolios in this new landscape?

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Aiming for consistent outperformance with low volatility

High yield bonds are typically considered riskier than higher-rated investment grade bonds. Credit selection based on intensive research and risk awareness are key to preserve capital and avoid drawdown risk. Is it possible to balance risks and returns and still achieve consistent alpha generation?

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What central banks do about risk

Seeking to manage potential geopolitical, macroeconomic and central bank policy risks?

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Asian income: the China problem

Seeking to generate income from Asian equities while mitigating risks related to China holdings.

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