Generating alpha through focused risk management

In this webcast, Harry Richards and Adam Darling introduce the Jupiter Corporate Bond Fund. They explain how they navigate volatility in credit markets, generating alpha through focused risk management, and outline what they think the future holds.

Bond Market Returns at Risk? The SARB View

Is the reflation trade still valid? Are we on track for further dollar and bond weakness and cyclical asset strength? Listen to Mark Nash, Fund Manager, and Huw Davies, Investment Director, in discussion on the Strategic Absolute Bond Fund webcast.

Could this be the best year for EMD?

EMD Webcast 11 March 2021

In his latest webcast, Alejandro Arevalo, Head of EMD, explains why this is a great time to invest in EMD, but you need to know how to pick the right opportunities and avoid risks. Alejandro also provides an update on his funds.

Gold and Silver: the story behind the headlines

Ned Naylor-Leyland explains why gold and silver are best seen not as commodities but as monetary metals with a vital economic role.

In Europe – are you going where the growth is?


What effect is so-called ‘reflation trade’ having on long duration ‘quality growth’ businesses and why are European smaller companies so attractive?

Jupiter Merlin Webcast: Locked down for longer – what happens next?

The team focused on the technology sector and how it has performed over the past 12 months. The team then discussed the market impacts of longer lockdowns. Was the ‘reopening’ rally premature? Or will a growth surge still materialise?

Investing in Europe – Where to find growth?

A global pandemic, rising unemployment, growing societal debt, and uncertainty about the impact of Brexit looming over us all- are investors right to worry about European investments?