Webcast: Jupiter Asia Pacific Income Fund (IRL) – seeking income & growth
In this webcast, Sam Konrad, investment manager of the Jupiter Asia Pacific Income Fund (IRL), discusses the countries and sectors he and the team like most in the region – including the tech sector – and why they’re still avoiding China. He also talks about the fund’s performance in 2024.
Investimenti obbligazionari: prepararsi a un contesto macroeconomico fluido
Mark Nash, James Novotny e Huw Davies analizzano le previsioni sui tassi d’interesse e sul reddito fisso mentre l’economia USA resta resiliente.
Webcast: Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return Fund
In the most recent webcast, Dr Amadeo Alentorn, Investment Manager, Systematic Equities, discussed the performance of the Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return (GEAR) Fund. He also explained how he tries to produce consistent alpha and design an investment process that has the potential to deliver across varied market environments.
The momentum behind sustainable investing
Investors increasingly need insight into one of the most profound and fastest-growing topics today: sustainable and ESG investing.
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Webcast: Jupiter Asia Pacific Income Fund (IRL) – seeking income & growth
Webcast: Jupiter Asia Pacific Income Fund (IRL) – seeking income & growth
In this webcast, Sam Konrad, investment manager of the Jupiter Asia Pacific Income Fund (IRL), discusses the countries and sectors he and the team like most in the region – including the tech sector – and why they’re still avoiding China. He also talks about the fund’s performance in 2024.
Investimenti obbligazionari: prepararsi a un contesto macroeconomico fluido
Investimenti obbligazionari: prepararsi a un contesto macroeconomico fluido
Mark Nash, James Novotny e Huw Davies analizzano le previsioni sui tassi d’interesse e sul reddito fisso mentre l’economia USA resta resiliente.
Tempo di lettura -7 min.
Webcast: Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return Fund
Webcast: Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return Fund
In the most recent webcast, Dr Amadeo Alentorn, Investment Manager, Systematic Equities, discussed the performance of the Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return (GEAR) Fund. He also explained how he tries to produce consistent alpha and design an investment process that has the potential to deliver across varied market environments.
Posizionare gli investimenti obbligazionari per uno scenario di significativi tagli dei tassi
Posizionare gli investimenti obbligazionari per uno scenario di significativi tagli dei tassi
Ariel Bezalel e Harry Richards affermano che lo stato dell’economia mondiale richiede un deciso calo dei tassi di interesse nei prossimi mesi, che potrebbe essere un volano per i titoli di Stato di alta qualità. Capitale a rischio. Riservato a investitori professionali e istituzionali.
Tempo di lettura -5 min.
A portfolio for all seasons
A portfolio for all seasons
Investment managers Jason Pidcock and Sam Konrad explain why they think the Jupiter Asian Equity Income strategy is well positioned for lower interest rates.
Tempo di lettura -5 min.
Webcast: Whats next for financial markets?
Webcast: Whats next for financial markets?
Are we going back to the benign environment that persisted for a decade before Covid?
Staying Patient in Global High Yield Credit
Staying Patient in Global High Yield Credit
Fund manager Adam Darling says high yield credit has had a good run so far this year, but that investors should continue to watch the economic data closely for any threats to the prevailing soft landing narrative.
Tempo di lettura -5 min.
La “fionda d’argento”: cogliere i possibili benefici di un’allocazione strategica all’argento
La “fionda d’argento”: cogliere i possibili benefici di un’allocazione strategica all’argento
Ned Naylor-Leyland esamina i possibili benefici dell’allocazione sull’argento e spiega perché il metallo prezioso potrebbe essere pronto al successo e cosa potrebbe significare per gli investitori.
Tempo di lettura -3 min.
Fixed Income: The spotlight is on government bonds
Fixed Income: The spotlight is on government bonds
Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards examine the prospects for the US economy and the outlook for interest rates following the first rate cut in the current cycle.
Tempo di lettura -5 min.
India: Are the growth drivers intact?
India: Are the growth drivers intact?
Avinash Vazirani and Colin Croft take stock of the Indian economy and what that holds for the country’s stocks.
Tempo di lettura -4 min.
What next for gold after recent price breakout?
What next for gold after recent price breakout?
Ned Naylor-Leyland examines the driving forces behind gold’s recent price breakout, explains why this hasn’t led to increased investor flows into gold funds, and highlights the unique opportunity this presents.
Tempo di lettura -3 min.
What’s in store as the rate cycle turns?
What’s in store as the rate cycle turns?
Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards assess the factors that helped tame inflation and analyse the prospects for the global economy in the months ahead.
Tempo di lettura -5 min.
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