Income: Taking a Calculated Risk

Income: Taking a calculated risk

Alejandro Arevalo, Ariel Bezalel, Luca Evangelisti and Talib Sheikh share their views on how they approach generating income in a period of negative interest rates and historically low yields in bond markets, and why it’s important to have both a credit analyst and risk manager mindset.

EM short duration: Accessing attractive yields with limited volatility

Accessing attractive yields with limited volatility

Alejandro Arevalo, Fund Manager, Emerging Market Debt, and Reza Karim, Assistant Fund Manager, discuss the benefits of taking a short duration approach to investing in emerging market debt.

Deflation, not inflation, has intensified

Deflation, not inflation, has intensified

Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards explain why deflationary forces still hold sway in the global economy and where they’re finding opportunities in Jupiter’s global unconstrained bond strategy.

Double disruption!

Double disruption!

‘Disruption’ was a hot topic long before most of us had even heard the word ‘coronavirus.’ From geopolitical dislocations, to the discourse about the relationship between business, society, and the environment, to the dramatic challenges to old business models from newer, technology-enabled players, the world was already rapidly changing. Then came the most serious global public health emergency in living memory. Here is how four of our fund managers approach this ‘double disruption’.

Sustainable investing can be unconstrained rather than restrictive

Sustainable investing - Abbie insight

In her latest article, Abbie Llewellyn-Waters, Fund Manager of the Jupiter Global Sustainable Equity Fund, explains why firms need to integrate ESG into their business model.