Systematic equities Q1 review
Systematic equities Q1 review
Dr Ian Heslop and Dr Amadeo Alentorn, co-heads of systematic equities, present their quarterly review. They present the systematic equities team’s latest market analysis and review the performance of the strategies managed by the team.
Latest Insights
Webcast: Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return Fund
Webcast: Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return Fund
In the most recent webcast, Dr Amadeo Alentorn, Investment Manager, Systematic Equities, discussed the performance of the Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return (GEAR) Fund. He also explained how he tries to produce consistent alpha and design an investment process that has the potential to deliver across varied market environments.
A portfolio for all seasons
A portfolio for all seasons
Investment managers Jason Pidcock and Sam Konrad explain why they think the Jupiter Asian Equity Income strategy is well positioned for lower interest rates.
Tiempo de lectura - 5 Min.
La India: ¿Se mantienen intactos los motores de crecimiento?
La India: ¿Se mantienen intactos los motores de crecimiento?
Avinash Vazirani y Colin Croft evalúan el estado de la economía india y qué le podría deparar a la Bolsa del país.
Tiempo de lectura - 4 Min.
Buscar refugio cuando la tormenta arrecia
Buscar refugio cuando la tormenta arrecia
La reciente fase de volatilidad debería recordarnos la importancia de contar con un refugio cuando se desata una tormenta en los mercados, afirma Amadeo Alentorn, gestor principal de inversiones del área de renta variable sistemática de Jupiter.
Tiempo de lectura - 3 Min.