Webcast: Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return Fund
In the most recent webcast, Dr Amadeo Alentorn, Investment Manager, Systematic Equities, discussed the performance of the Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return (GEAR) Fund. He also explained how he tries to produce consistent alpha and design an investment process that has the potential to deliver across varied market environments.
Cómo posicionar las inversiones en renta fija para unos recortes de tipos pronunciados
Ariel Bezalel y Harry Richards afirman que el estado de la economía mundial impone un fuerte recorte de los tipos de interés durante los próximos meses, lo que podría ser beneficioso para la deuda pública.
Investment managers Jason Pidcock and Sam Konrad explain why they think the Jupiter Asian Equity Income strategy is well positioned for lower interest rates.
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