Notes from the Investment Floor: Searching for Europe’s best companies

City view

Phil Macartney discusses market valuations for companies in Europe, the impact of geopolitics and how small cap investing is sometimes misunderstood.

US economy set to soften in second half

Capital Hill, USA

Huw Davies analyses the implication of the US debt ceiling deal on the markets and the economy.

A deep deficit for silver

Silver bars with a background of commodity market charts

Ned Naylor-Leyland and Daniel March discuss why demand for silver is outstripping supply and what this imbalance may mean for investors in the white metal.

European equities – not a market to ignore

European maps and euro currency

Caroline Cantor, Mark Nichols and Mark Heslop discuss European equities’ performance, valuation and diversification properties – and share a few surprising facts.

Japan: good value, or just cheap?

Japan for sale sign

Dan Carter and Mitesh Patel address the topic of share price valuations in the Japanese
market. They’re undeniably low, but are Japanese stocks good value, or just cheap?

Bonds: Finding value in a lopsided world

Globe & US Dollars

Mark Nash, Huw Davies and James Novotny discuss the divergence in monetary policy between the US and Europe and how that’s creating opportunities in the bond markets.

Notes from the Investment Floor: The stage is set for emerging markets

A person is pulling a curtain on the stage

Nick Payne reflects on the differing fortunes of developed and emerging markets, as the stage seems set for emerging markets to come to the fore once again.

Notes from the Investment Floor: EMD – in “wait and see” mode

A businessman is waiting in front of a screen with stock market quotes

Alejandro Arevalo explains what’s happened in emerging market debt year to date, and why it’s important to focus on differentiation when investing in the asset class.

Trip note: Turkey’s most important election in recent history

Turkish flag

Reza Karim discusses his recent trip to Turkey, where he met several government officials, local political experts and pollsters ahead of the upcoming election.

What’s behind the rise in gold and silver?

Gold Market Price Rising Illustration

Ned Naylor-Leyland and Daniel March discuss the macro, market and technical factors behind the bullish moves in gold and silver.