Independent Non-Executive Director in March 2022
Member of the Remuneration Committee
Member of the Nomination Committee
Skills and experience
Suzy Neubert is a qualified barrister with a broad asset management experience extending over 30 years. She also has an in-depth knowledge of capital markets and importantly, evolving client needs, having previously led the global distribution function at J O Hambro Capital Management. Prior to this role, Suzy was Managing Director of Equity Markets at Merrill Lynch and therefore brings an excellent understanding of the international wholesale and institutional channels in which the Company operates.
Previous appointments
Suzy started her career in asset management as an analyst before moving into sales and marketing. Suzy was Global Head of Distribution at J O Hambro Capital Management until 2020 and had previously been Managing Director of Equity Markets at Merrill Lynch. Suzy was previously a Non-executive Director of ISIO.
Current external appointments
Suzy is currently Senior Independent Director of LondonMetric Property plc, and a Non-Executive Director of Howden Joinery Group plc, and LV=, where she chairs the investment committee. She is also a trustee of the King’s Trust.