Jupiter Merlin: Is war accelerating the next ESG evolution?

Field of sunflowers

Amanda Sillars discusses the impact of the war in Ukraine on ESG investment strategies, and asks how aware investors who embrace exclusions are of the downsides.

Notes from the Investment Floor: Quality can thrive through volatility

One person kite surfing

Nick Payne examines how recent macroeconomic events have produced headwinds for emerging market investors.

Energy shock: looking at both sides of the coin

Energy efficient green buildings

Jon Wallace and Noelle Guo say the energy shock faced by consumers now is reminiscent of the 1970s, which may boost usage of existing energy efficient technologies and spawn new ones.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Compound interest: Eighth Wonder of the World

Modern trains at train station

The Jupiter Merlin team look at the wonders of compound interest, the real cost of commuting by rail and the risks associated with predicting inflation.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Can the inflation genie go back in the lamp?

Magic lamp

The Jupiter Merlin team look at the variety of blunt instruments central banks have at their disposal to manage inflation, and signs of trouble in the US car market.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: The gaping breach in the sanctions wall

A hole in a wall that is painted with the Russia national flag.

The Jupiter Merlin team look at the dilemma NATO faces in responding to Russian aggression in Ukraine, and also discuss rapid moves in government bond yields.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Energy security is the new political mantra

Tanker Supplying Liquified Natural Gas To The Power Station

The Jupiter Merlin team look at how countries have been forced to think differently about energy security, and the geopolitical ramifications that may have.

Notes from the Investment Floor: Why gold and silver could break out

Gold and silver coin isolated on black background representing this weeks Notes from the investment floor

Ned Naylor-Leyland discusses why the price of gold may be approaching an inflection point and what this would mean for silver and for mining equities.

Has the outlook changed for emerging markets?

Has the outlook changed for emerging markets?

Is it a good time to increase your EM exposure? Nick Payne and Oliver Lee discuss where they’re finding the best opportunities, and the countries and sectors they avoid.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Tighten your belts

Man tightening his belt depicting this weeks Merlin weekly

The Jupiter Merlin team look at moves in inflation and in bond markets, as the impact of rising prices and the uncertain geopolitical situation continues to be felt.