Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Is The City backing Labour?

City of London

The Jupiter Merlin team look at the early moves in the 2024 UK general election race, as Labour’s economic credentials may encounter a dose of fiscal reality.

What central banks are saying about gold

Gold bars

Ned Naylor-Leyland says investors should pay attention to the views of central bankers on gold, especially since the yellow metal is nearing an inflection point.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: What to make of contradictory data?

A glass of water that is half filled or half empty.

The Jupiter Merlin team discuss seemingly contradictory economic data as central banks are finding that the path to containing inflation is strewn with … difficulties.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Central bankers go fishing

Man fishing from boat

The Jupiter Merlin team take a look at the latest Jackson Hole symposium, where the world’s leading central bankers met to discuss policy.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Gilt yields and a deeper malaise

NHS staff at work

The Jupiter Merlin team consider the rich yields available in the gilt market and why improving an ailing NHS should be made a national priority.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Biden turns the screw on China

USA and China country flags

The Jupiter Merlin team discuss the state of China’s economy. China’s confidence abroad contrasts with its struggles at home, as growth falters and deflation arrives.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: They have one job. Just one job…

A report card i

This Jupiter Merlin Weekly discusses the forthcoming review from Ben Bernanke of the Bank of England’s forecasting processes. How will Bernanke grade the Bank’s homework?

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: NatWest/Farage — investment risk, moral hazard

Bank sign

The Jupiter Merlin team analyses the compatibility of capitalism and corporate “socialism.”

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Inflation data – pick your poison

Inflation charts 2023

This Jupiter Merlin Weekly highlights the disparity between different ways of measuring inflation, while asking what happens to offshore wind when the wind doesn’t blow?

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: A ‘revolution by coercion’?

Climate change vehicle sign

This Jupiter Merlin Weekly discusses how different countries are grappling with the path to net zero and what the political and economic costs of the journey might be.