Anti-money laundering requirements

Under anti-money laundering legislation, we are required to verify the identity of all our clients and any associated executors or personal representatives.

Under anti-money laundering legislation, we are required to verify the identity of all our clients and any associated executors or personal representatives. This includes obtaining information that confirms full name, residential address and date of birth. This verification is performed at the account opening stage and then at regular intervals.

We will attempt to verify your identity using electronic searches, but if this is unsuccessful, we will request documentary evidence. One item for section 1 and one item from section 2 is required (the same document can’t be used to cover both sections, and they must come from different sources).

Section 1 – evidence of personal identity

  • Current signed passport
  • Current signed UK / EEA photo-card driving licence
  • Current full UK driving licence (old version), provisional licences are not accepted
  • Recent evidence of entitlement to a state or local authority funded benefit, including benefit and council tax benefit or state pension (dated within the last year)
  • HMRC tax notification (dated within the last year) Please note that P45 and P60 documents are not acceptable
  • Shotgun licence or firearm certificate
  • Residence permit issued by the Home Office to EU nationals
  • EEA member state identity card
  • Northern Ireland voter’s card
  • Self-employed registration cards for individuals and partnerships in the construction industry: CIS3 (partner); CIS4(P); CIS4(T); CIS5; CIS6

Section 2: evidence of address

  • Local authority tax bill (valid for current year)
  • Current signed UK / EEA photo-card driving licence
  • Current full UK driving licence (old version), provisional licences are not acceptable.
  • Solicitor’s letter confirming house purchase or land registry confirmation
  • Local council rent card or tenancy agreement
  • Recent evidence of entitlement to a state or local authority funded benefit, including benefit and council tax benefit or state pension. (dated within the last year)
  • Original utility bill no older than 3 months (not including mobile phone bill) or a certificate from a supplier of utilities confirming the arrangement to pay for the services on pre-payment terms
  • HMRC correspondence addressed to the applicant at the stated address (dated within the last year)
  • EEA member state identity card
  • Northern Ireland voter’s card
  • System-generated or signed documentation (not printed from the internet) from a regulated financial sector firm dated within the last 3 months, indicating that an account / investment / insurance relationship exists and which includes the account holder’s address

Documents can be loaded to our document upload facility at My Account.  Alternatively, the documents can be posted to us although we recommend that you don’t send us original valuable items e.g. passports. Any copies will need to be certified and the certification will need to be an original. All items will be returned once we’ve verified them.

Someone in one of these professions can certify your documents – financial adviser, solicitor/lawyer, legal executive, notary public, commissioner for oaths, judge, accountant, stockbroker, bank/building society official or post office official. The certifier will need to state ‘original seen’ and then sign, date and print their name, job title, full address and telephone number. The certification must be dated within the last 6 months and the certifier must not be a family member.

Please contact us if you are having difficulty finding a certifier in one of these professions.

Our address is Jupiter Customer Services Department PO Box 10666 Chelmsford CM99 2BG

If you decide to sell/transfer your holding and we have not received the relevant anti-money laundering verification documents, the proceeds will be held.