Frequently Asked Questions

Quickly find the answer to the questions raised by unit trust/OEIC/ISA investors.

Below is a list of frequently asked questions that we receive from investors. Please click on each question to display the answer.

Managing your account

WebchatWebchat is available between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday using the orange icon at the bottom right hand corner of the page.

Tel: 0800 561 4000

Fax: 0800 561 4001

Our Customer Service team is available between 9am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday.

For your protection, we record telephone calls and may use them for monitoring purposes.


You are able to do the following via our online portal ‘My Account’ which can be found at


  • Buy, sell and switch unit trust and ISA funds
  • Sell OEIC funds
  • Set up and amend Direct Debits
  • Obtain valuations and transaction histories
  • Upload documentation
  • Change account details for example your address and bank details
  • Access certain documents we have sent you for example bi-annual statements and contract notes


Once you have registered on ‘My Account’ select the ‘My Account’ menu and add your bank details to ensure that any payments are sent to your bank.


Please note that we cannot accept instructions by email. Email may not be a secure form of communication, therefore we advise against sending your personal account details by email.

Post: Jupiter Customer Services Department PO Box 10666 Chelmsford CM99 2BG

If there are any adjustments you need us to make in order to support you for example having documents sent in large print or braille, please let us know. 

How to access your investment valuation

Our Automated Intelligent Voice Recognition (AIVR) system allows you to access your investment valuation over the phone, without having to speak to a Customer Services representative, at a time when it suits you. By calling 0800 561 4000, following the options provided and answering a sequence of security questions, you can obtain a valuation of your investment(s) held and fund prices.

At any point during the call you can request to be put through to Customer Services. However, as this AIVR service is also available out of office hours, the option to speak to Customer Services will only be available between 9am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday.

Alternatively, you can obtain an online valuation by registering on ‘My Account’.

In need of advice?

At Jupiter we recommend that you discuss any financial decisions with a financial adviser, particularly if you are unsure whether an investment is suitable, as Jupiter is unable to provide investment advice. A financial adviser can provide advice on and facilitate investment into a Jupiter fund.

If you do not have a financial adviser, we have included the details below of two organisations that can help you find one.


We take customer satisfaction seriously and aim to achieve a high level of customer service. To read Jupiter’s complaint handling procedure, please click here. If you are dissatisfied with the service we’ve provided, please contact us using the details above. Alternatively, you can email us at

If you’re not satisfied with the way we’ve handled your complaint, you can refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service:

The Financial Ombudsman Service

Exchange Tower


E14 9SR

Tel: 0800 023 4 567 or 0300 123 9 123



If there are any adjustments you need us to make in order to support you for example having documents sent in large print or braille, please let us know.

We prepare statements as at 5 April and 5 October each year, and aim to send them out within 25 business days of these dates.

Under anti-money laundering legislation, we are required to verify the identity of all our clients and any associated executors or personal representatives. This includes obtaining information that confirms full name, residential address and date of birth. This verification is performed at the account opening stage and then at regular intervals.

We will attempt to verify your identity using electronic searches, but if this is unsuccessful, we will request documentary evidence. One item for section 1 and one item from section 2 is required (the same document can’t be used to cover both sections, and they must come from different sources).


Section 1 – evidence of personal identity

  • Current signed passport
  • Current signed UK / EEA photo-card driving licence
  • Current full UK driving licence (old version), provisional licences are not accepted
  • Recent evidence of entitlement to a state or local authority funded benefit, including benefit and council tax benefit or state pension (dated within the last year)
  • HMRC tax notification (dated within the last year) Please note that P45 and P60 documents are not acceptable
  • Shotgun licence or firearm certificate
  • Residence permit issued by the Home Office to EU nationals
  • EEA member state identity card
  • Northern Ireland voter’s card
  • Self-employed registration cards for individuals and partnerships in the construction industry: CIS3 (partner); CIS4(P); CIS4(T); CIS5; CIS6


Section 2: evidence of address

  • Local authority tax bill (valid for current year)
  • Current signed UK / EEA photo-card driving licence
  • Current full UK driving licence (old version), provisional licences are not acceptable.
  • Solicitor’s letter confirming house purchase or land registry confirmation
  • Local council rent card or tenancy agreement
  • Recent evidence of entitlement to a state or local authority funded benefit, including benefit and council tax benefit or state pension. (dated within the last year)
  • Original utility bill no older than 3 months (not including mobile phone bill) or a certificate from a supplier of utilities confirming the arrangement to pay for the services on pre-payment terms
  • HMRC correspondence addressed to the applicant at the stated address (dated within the last year)
  • EEA member state identity card
  • Northern Ireland voter’s card
  • System-generated or signed documentation (not printed from the internet) from a regulated financial sector firm dated within the last 3 months, indicating that an account / investment / insurance relationship exists and which includes the account holder’s address

Documents can be loaded to our document upload facility at My Account.  Alternatively, the documents can be posted to us although we recommend that you don’t send us original valuable items e.g. passports. Any copies will need to be certified and the certification will need to be an original. All items will be returned once we’ve verified them.

Someone in one of these professions can certify your documents – financial adviser, solicitor/lawyer, legal executive, notary public, commissioner for oaths, judge, accountant, stockbroker, bank/building society official or post office official. The certifier will need to state ‘original seen’ and then sign, date and print their name, job title, full address and telephone number. The certification must be dated within the last 6 months and the certifier must not be a family member.

Please contact us if you are having difficulty finding a certifier in one of these professions.

Our address is Jupiter Customer Services Department PO Box 10666 Chelmsford CM99 2BG

If you decide to sell/transfer your holding and we have not received the relevant anti-money laundering verification documents, the proceeds will be held.


If you hold an ISA and are having income paid out rather than accumulated, we will send you a distribution advice on the fund’s pay date.

If you hold a unit trust/OEIC and a distribution is payable on the fund, we will send you a tax voucher on the fund’s pay date. 

If there is a nil distribution, we will send you a letter confirming that.

You can check the non-dealing days for the unit trust/ISA funds here.

You can check the non-dealing days for the OEIC funds here.

At Jupiter we recommend that you discuss any financial decisions with a financial adviser, particularly if you are unsure whether an investment is suitable, as Jupiter is unable to provide investment advice. A financial adviser can provide advice on and facilitate investment into a Jupiter fund.

If you do not have a financial adviser, we have included the details below of two organisations that can help you find one.

If there are any adjustments you need us to make in order to support you for example having documents sent in large print or braille, please let us know.

See ‘How do I register a Power of Attorney’ if you have a Power of Attorney and want to register them on your account.

Alternatively, if you don’t have a Power of Attorney but would like us to provide information over the phone to someone other than you, please send us a signed letter with the name and address of the person you are nominating. If you have registered for our online portal, ‘My Account’, you are able to send it using our document upload facility.

Our postal address is:

Jupiter Customer Services Department

PO Box 10666


CM99 2BG

We take customer satisfaction seriously and aim to achieve a high level of customer service. To read Jupiter’s complaint handling procedure, please click here. If you are dissatisfied with the service we’ve provided, please contact us using the details in How do I contact you.

Alternatively, you can email us at

If you’re not satisfied with the way we’ve handled your complaint, you can refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service:

The Financial Ombudsman Service

Exchange Tower


E14 9SR

Tel: 0800 023 4 567 or 0300 123 9 123



Jupiter takes steps to keep in touch with our investors but sometimes, due to a change of investor’s address perhaps, it’s not always possible and we lose touch.  

Jupiter subscribes to the Unclaimed Assets Portal, powered by Gretel, which is hosted by the Investment Association, our industry trade body. This is a free to use service for members of the public to register and check their details with records provided by numerous financial services companies all looking for customers they have lost touch with or for whom they hold unclaimed assets.

Register once and you’ll be informed as soon as there is a match. This might be immediate or sometime in the future as and when other financial organisations subscribe and provide information to the unclaimed assets portal. The portal can be accessed by clicking here.

Products, share classes and funds

Our unit trust/ISA fund range is detailed here.

You are only able to invest in an OEIC if you already hold the fund you want to invest into.

The following share classes are available to individual investors:


Unit Trust

J class – for clients who either do not invest via a financial adviser or who invest via a financial adviser who does not receive renewal commission/rebates

L class – for clients who invest via a financial adviser who receives renewal commission/rebates

P class – for clients whose OEIC holdings were merged into a Unit Trust



J class - only available to existing OEIC clients where the holding was merged out of a unit trust and was either not invested via a financial adviser or was invested via a financial adviser who doesn’t receive renewal commission/rebates

L class - only available to existing OEIC holders where the holding was merged out of a unit trust which was invested via a Financial Adviser who receives renewal commission/rebates

P class – only available to existing OEIC investors who held an OEIC prior to 2018 or where holdings in certain unit trusts have been merged into an OEIC

W Class - only available to existing holders of the Jupiter UK Multi Cap Income Fund


The different share classes have different charging structures. Please refer to the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) for details of the charges for the relevant share class.

Unit trusts can be held within the ISA wrapper whereas OEICs can’t with the exception of existing clients in the Jupiter Merian North American Equity Fund and Jupiter Global Macro Bond Fund.

Yes, we offer the Jupiter Ecology Fund, Jupiter Global Leaders Fund and Jupiter Responsible Income Fund.

Investing in our funds

Read more about how to invest by clicking here.


Read more about how to sell by clicking here.

Unit Trusts/ISAs

For all funds, excluding those within the Merlin range, proceeds will usually be paid on the third business day following receipt of your instruction.  In instances where renunciation is required, proceeds will be released the day after renunciation is received (but not before the third business day after the deal has been placed).

For funds within the Merlin range, proceeds will usually be paid on the fourth business day following receipt of your instruction.  In instances where renunciation is required, proceeds will be released the day after renunciation is received (but not before the fourth business day after the deal has been placed).

Proceeds will only be released once all anti-money laundering requirements have been met.



Proceeds will usually be paid on the fourth business day following receipt of your instruction. In instances where renunciation is required, proceeds will be released the day after renunciation is received (but not before the fourth business day after the deal has been placed).

Proceeds for the Jupiter Merian North American Equity Fund and Jupiter Merian Global Equity Fund will usually be paid on the third business day following receipt of your instruction.  In instances where renunciation is required, proceeds will be released the day after renunciation is received (but not before the third business day after the deal has been placed).

Proceeds will only be released once all anti-money laundering requirements have been met.

The default payment method is cheque to the first name holder.  However, if we have instructions to pay to your bank account, we will pay there if we can verify the bank account electronically or if one of the below conditions have been met:

  • The bank account is the same as that from which your investment was made
  • We receive proof of your bank account in the form of an original/certified* bank statement (no older than 3 months), voided cheque, voided paying-in slip or an original letter from the bank quoting your name, sort code and account number
  • We have previously paid withdrawal proceeds to that bank account

In the case of a joint account we will pay to the first named holder on the account, unless all the holders have provided a signed request to pay one of the other holders.

*Documents can be certified by someone in one of the following professions – financial adviser, solicitor, accountant, stockbroker, bank or building society official.  The certifier will need to state ‘original seen’ and then sign, date and print their name, job title, full address and telephone number.  The certification must be dated within the last 6 months and the certifier must not be a family member.  Please contact us if you are having difficulty finding a certifier in one of these professions.

Proof of your bank account can either be digitally loaded via our online portal, ‘My Account’, or posted to us. We will need the original or an original certification.

If we cannot verify your bank account, we will send a cheque to your registered address. 

Making changes to your account 

Making changes to your account

You can notify us of a change of address:

  • By changing your details directly using our online portal, ‘My Account
  • By uploading a signed instruction which includes your unitholder number, name, old address and new address via our online portal, ‘My Account
  • In writing by sending us a signed instruction which includes your unitholder number, name, old address and new address
  • Over the telephone by calling 0800 561 4000
  • By faxing your instructions to 0800 561 4001


Cancel or suspend – you can instruct us via our online portal, My Account, or by phone, post, fax or by sending instructions via our document upload facility on ‘My Account’. As Direct Debits are collected on the first working day of the month, we need to receive instructions at least 10 working days before the collection date. To stop money from being collected, you can also cancel the instruction directly with your bank.

Change the amount or switch funds – you can instruct us via our online portal, My Acccount. Alternatively, you can instruct us by phone or by completing the Monthly Savings Amendment Form and posting/faxing it to us or uploading it via our document upload facility on our online portal, ‘My Account’’.

If you are investing into a fund you haven’t previously invested into, or are increasing the amount in an existing fund, you will need to confirm you have read the relevant Key Investor Information Document(s) (KIIDs) for the fund(s) and share class you are investing into, the Supplementary Information Document (SID) and the Terms & Conditions before changes can be applied. As Direct Debits are collected on the first working day of the month, we need to receive instructions at least 10 working days before the collection date.

Change bank accounts – you can change your bank details on our online portal, ‘My Account’’.  Alternatively, you can instruct us by phone or by sending us a completed Direct Debit mandate along with a covering letter which includes your name, address, unitholder number and instructions on the change you are making. This can either be posted to us or sent via our document upload facility on our online portal, ‘My Account’’. As Direct Debits are collected on the first working day of the month, instructions need to be received by the 15th of the month.

If you hold accumulation units, you will first need to switch into income units.  Please refer to the question ‘How do I switch between income and accumulation units/shares or vice versa?

You can add bank details:

  • Using our online portal, ‘My Account
  • By completing an income payments direct credit application or sending us a signed instruction asking us to pay income into a bank account. The instruction must include the following – name, address, unitholder number, bank account name, bank account number, sort code. It can be posted to us, faxed to us on 0800 561 4001 or digitally uploaded via our online portal ‘My Account’.
  • Over the telephone by calling 0800 561 4000

We are only able to set up a new income mandate where we are able to verify your bank account. If we are unable to verify your bank account electronically, we will contact you for evidence of it in the form of an original/certified* bank statement (no older than 3 months), a voided cheque, a voided paying-in slip or an original letter from the bank quoting your name, sort code and account number.

* Documents can be certified by someone in one of the following professions – financial adviser, solicitor, accountant, stockbroker, bank or building society official. The certifier will need to state ‘original seen’ and then sign, date and print their name, job title, full address and telephone number. The certification must be dated within the last 6 months and the certifier must not be a family member. Please contact us if you are having difficulty finding a certifier in one of these professions.

  • By digitally loading instructions via our online service My Account
  • In writing
  • Over the telephone by calling 0800 561 4000
  • By faxing 0800 561 4001

If you remove your financial adviser from your unit trust/ISA account, we will write out to you to confirm that we will automatically convert your holding into the J class, which is the class for clients who invest directly and which has lower charges. Please note that although the number of units you hold will decrease, that decrease will not affect the value of your holding as the J class units have a higher price . Please refer to the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) of the relevant fund(s) for details of the charges.

Transferring Investments

You can transfer your ISA investment from another ISA manager to us by completing our ISA transfer form and posting it to us at Jupiter Customer Services, PO Box 10666, Chelmsford, CM99 2BG.  We are dependent on the previous ISA manager for receipt of the settlement, which can take up to 30 days.

A cash transfer is where your current ISA provider sells your holding and sends the proceeds to us. An in-specie transfer is where your current ISA provider (a nominee or supermarket platform who holds Jupiter units/shares) transfers the units/shares to us.

Please contact the other provider to initiate the transfer.

You will need to complete a stock transfer form. Separate stock transfer forms are needed for each transferee and each fund being transferred. If the person you are transferring to doesn’t already hold an account with us, they will need to complete a unit trust application form.

The completed forms will need to be sent to us at Jupiter Customer Services, PO Box 10666, Chelmsford, CM99 2BG our uploaded via our online portal, ‘My Account’.


Switching between Products and Funds

You can switch:

  • Using our online portal, ‘My Account’ (available for unit trusts and ISAs)
  • In writing by completing an application form (switch application form) or sending us a signed instruction detailing your name, address, unitholder number, details of the amount and funds involved. You will need to confirm you have read the Key Investor Information Document(s) (KIIDs) for the fund(s) and share class you are switching into, the Supplementary Information Document (SID) and the Terms & Conditions.
  • Over the telephone by calling 0800 561 4000 (switches from funds within our Merlin range to funds outside of our Merlin range need to be done in writing or by fax)
  • By faxing your application form/instruction to 0800 561 4001

Depending on your own financial situation, a switch could result in a liability to Capital Gains Tax.

If you are switching out of one of our funds in the Merlin range, we will sell the relevant holding at the next valuation point following receipt of your instruction and then use the proceeds to buy into the new fund at the first valuation point after that. You will therefore be out of the market for one working day.

If you hold an OEIC, you will not be able to switch to another fund within the OEIC unless you already hold that fund but you will be able to switch to a Unit Trust.

You can switch:

The completed forms will need to be sent to us at Jupiter Customer Services, PO Box 10666, Chelmsford, CM99 2BG or uploaded via our online portal, ‘My Account’.

You can switch by completing a unit trust application form along with a signed covering letter confirming that you want to sell your ISA to fund your unit trust.  These will need to be sent to us at Jupiter Customer Services, PO Box 10666, Chelmsford, CM99 2BG our uploaded via our online portal, ‘My Account’.

The following information will need to be included – your name, unitholder number, details of the fund you are switching from and to, and the monetary amount/number of units.

We will sell your ISA at the next valuation point following receipt of your instruction and then use the proceeds to buy into a unit trust at the first valuation point after that. You will therefore be out of the market for one working day.

Please note that you will lose your tax benefits on the ISA when you switch out of it.

You can convert from income to accumulation units/shares or vice versa by:

  • completing a unit type conversion form and sending it to us at Jupiter Customer Services, PO Box 10666, Chelmsford, CM99 2BX. Alternatively, it can be uploaded via our online portal, ‘My Account
  • over the telephone by calling 0800 561 4000
  • by faxing your application form to 0800 561 4001

You will need to confirm that you have read the Key Investor Information Document(s) (KIIDs) for the fund(s) and share class you are switching into, the Supplementary Information Document (SID) and the Terms & Conditions.  If you choose to invest into income units/shares, you will need to provide us with details of your bank or building society account otherwise the investment will be placed into accumulation units/shares.

If we are unable to verify your bank account electronically, we will write to you to request proof of your bank account.

You are not able to switch a unit trust/ISA into an OEIC unless you already hold that fund in which case you can do it:

Depending on your own financial situation, a switch could result in a liability to Capital Gains Tax.

You can move your holding from an OEIC to a Unit Trust by completing a Switch application form. This will need to be posted to us at Jupiter Customer Services, PO BOX 10666, Chelmsford, CM99 2BG or uploaded via our online portal, ‘My Account

We will sell your OEIC at the next valuation point following receipt of your instruction and then use the proceeds to buy into a Unit Trust at the first valuation point after that. You will therefore be out of the market for one working day and will not be exposed to any gains or falls in the market during this period.

Depending on your own financial situation, a switch could result in a liability to Capital Gains Tax.