How to sell

Find out how you can sell your investment

You can sell:

  • Using our online portal, ‘My Account’. If you want the proceeds paid to your bank account you will need to add them to the online portal before you place the deal
  • In writing by completing a withdrawal form* or sending us a signed instruction which includes your name, unitholder number and details of the product/fund, amount/units/shares you want to sell. This needs to be sent to us at Jupiter Customer Services, PO Box 10666, Chelmsford, CM99 2BG or uploaded via our online portal, ‘My Account’. All registered holders will need to sign the instruction
  • Over the telephone by calling 0800 561 4000 between 9am and 5:30pm
  • By faxing your instructions to 0800 561 4001

* If you are an executor, use the executor withdrawal form

If instructing us by fax (and in some instances, by telephone), you may be required to also complete a renunciation form. You can either sign and return the form we send out following your withdrawal or send us a signed letter which includes your name, full address and unitholder number. You will need to state ‘Please take this letter as renunciation for deal reference ______’.

The renunciation form/signed letter confirming renunciation can either be digitally loaded via our online portal, ‘My Account’ or posted to us at Jupiter Customer Services, PO Box 10666, Chelmsford, CM99 2BG.

How long after I sell will the proceeds be paid?


Usual timeframe (where renunciation has already been received)

Usual timeframe (where renunciation has not already been received)

All funds (excluding those within the Merlin range)

3rd business day following your deal being priced

The day after renunciation has been received (but not before the third business day after the deal has been priced)

Funds within the Merlin range

4th business day following your deal being priced

The day after renunciation has been received (but not before the fourth business day after the deal has been priced)

Proceeds will only be released once all anti-money laundering requirements have been met.


Usual timeframe (where renunciation has already been received)

Usual timeframe (where renunciation has not already been received)

All funds (excluding the Jupiter Merian North American Equity Fund and Jupiter Merian Global Equity Fund)

4th business day following your deal being priced

The day after renunciation has been received (but not before the fourth business day after the deal has been priced)

Jupiter Merian North American Equity Fund and Jupiter Merian Global Equity Fund

3rd business day following your deal being priced

The day after renunciation has been received (but not before the third business day after the deal has been priced)

Deals are priced at the next 12pm valuation point following receipt of the dealing instruction.
Proceeds will only be released once all anti-money laundering requirements have been met.

How are withdrawal proceed paid?

The default payment method is cheque to the first name holder.  However, if we have instructions to pay to your bank account, we will pay there if we can verify the bank account electronically or if one of the below conditions have been met:

  • The bank account is the same as that from which your investment was made
  • We receive proof of your bank account in the form of an original/certified* bank statement (no older than 3 months), voided cheque, voided paying-in slip or an original letter from the bank quoting your name, sort code and account number
  • We have previously paid withdrawal proceeds to that bank account

In the case of a joint account we will pay to the first named holder on the account, unless all the holders have provided a signed request to pay one of the other holders.

*Documents can be certified by someone in one of the following professions – financial adviser, solicitor, accountant, stockbroker, bank or building society official.  The certifier will need to state ‘original seen’ and then sign, date and print their name, job title, full address and telephone number.  The certification must be dated within the last 6 months and the certifier must not be a family member.  Please contact us if you are having difficulty finding a certifier in one of these professions.

Proof of your bank account can either be digitally loaded via our online portal, ‘My Account’, or posted to us. We will need the original or an original certification.

If we cannot verify your bank account, we will send a cheque to your registered address.