Introduction to TCFD
What is TCFD?
The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) has developed a framework to help public companies and other organisations more effectively disclose climate-related risks and opportunities through their existing reporting processes. These disclosures enable investors and other stakeholders to understand how organisations identify and manage climate-related risks and opportunities.
What are the four pillars of TCFD?
The TCFD framework consists of recommendations in four interrelated areas that represent core elements of how companies operate: Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics & Targets.
Jupiter Group report
We have produced a standalone Group report that demonstrates how we consider climate across Governance, Strategy, Risk Management and Metrics & Targets. In our 2023 Annual Report and Accounts, we also provided a summary disclosure across each of these pillars, signposting to further details and setting out our alignment with the recommended disclosures under TCFD. Taken together, these disclosures meet the requirements of the FCA’s climate-related reporting requirements (PS21/24) and Companies (Strategic Report) (Climate-related Financial Disclosure) Regulations 2022 amended sections 414C, 414CA and 414CB of the Companies Act 2006.
TCFD Group Report 2023 |
Jupiter in-scope entity reports
We have produced entity-specific reports for the in-scope UK entities: Jupiter Asset Management Limited (JAM), Jupiter Investment Management Limited (JIML) and Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Limited (JUTM). These reports set out how the firm considers climate-related risks and opportunities when managing or administering investments on behalf of investors and will also refer to the Jupiter Group report where the approach is consistent.
TCFD Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Limited (JUTM) Entity Report 2023 |
TCFD Jupiter Investment Management Limited (JIML) Entity Report 2023 |
TCFD Jupiter Asset Management (JAM) Entity Report 2023 |
Jupiter in-scope product reports
The product reports are at fund level and contain consistent, comparable climate-related disclosures for funds, including a core set of climate metrics. The Jupiter funds in scope are our UK-based OIECs, Investment Trusts and Unit Trusts.
These reports were prepared in accordance with the requirements detailed in the FCA’s ESG sourcebook.