Talking factsheet: Global equity absolute return strategy

Amadeo Alentorn gives an overview of Jupiter’s global equity absolute return strategy, how the investment process works, and how the team seek to generate alpha.


Strategy specific risks

  • Investment risk – there is no guarantee that the strategy will achieve its objective. A capital loss of some or all of the amount invested may occur.
  • Furthermore, the Fund may exceed its volatility limit. A capital loss of some or all of the amount invested may occur.
  • Company shares (i.e. equities) risk – the value of Company shares (i.e. equities) and similar investments may go down as well as up in response to the performance of individual companies and can be affected by daily stock market movements and general market conditions. Other influential factors include political, economic news, company earnings and significant corporate events.
  • Derivative risk – the strategy uses derivatives to generate returns and/or to reduce costs and the overall risk of the strategy. Using derivatives can involve a higher level of risk. A small movement in the price of an underlying investment may result in a disproportionately large movement in the price of the derivative investment. Derivatives also involve counterparty risk where the institutions acting as counterparty to derivatives may not meet their contractual obligations.
  • Currency risk – the strategy can be exposed to different currencies and may use techniques to try to reduce the effects of changes in the exchange rate between the currency of the underlying investments and the base currency of the strategy. These techniques may not eliminate all the currency risk. The value of your shares may rise and fall as a result of exchange rate movements.
  • Stock connect risk – the strategy may invest in China A-Shares through the China-Hong Kong Stock Connect (“Stock Connect”). Stock Connect is governed by regulations which are untested and subject to change. Trading limitations and restrictions on foreign ownership may constrain the Fund’s ability to pursue its investment strategy.

The strategy may be subject to other risk factors, please see the Prospectus for further information.


This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the latest sales prospectus of the strategy and to the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) or Key Information Document (KID), particularly to the strategy’s investment objective and characteristics including those related to ESG (if applicable), before making any final investment decisions. These are available from the document library.

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Systematic Equities Team