India nipping at China’s heels

Made in India written on a boat

China’s dominance as the world’s manufacturing hub of choice may be coming to an end as political and economic changes shift the balance to India, says Nick Payne.

Jupiter Fixed Income Engagement Review – September 2022

In 2022, the Jupiter Fixed Income team have engaged with over 40 companies within their portfolios on ESG issues.

Macro Monitor: Governments put their bond markets in the firing line

People pulling money down tied to an inflation balloon

The team managing the Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bond strategy analyses how fiscal and monetary responses to high inflation and energy prices are shaping the global economic outlook.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Geopolitics in the spotlight

Jupiter Merlin Weekly Geopolitics in the spotlight

The Jupiter Merlin team examine a complex and shifting geopolitical landscape, which is driving much of what’s happening to the global economy.

Notes from the Investment Floor: The Fed came in like a wrecking ball

Wrecking ball with American flag on it

Vikram Aggarwal discusses a highly volatile environment for fixed income markets, as rapid interest rate rises upend the basis upon which the system has been built.

Notes from the Investment Floor: Japan is different and that’s good

A Japanese women in traditional outfit with an umbrella facing Fuji mountain

Dan Carter discusses recent weakness in the yen versus the dollar and considers ways that Japan is different from other major developed markets.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Welcome to cold turkey

Anxious Woman Resting Head In Hand

The Jupiter Merlin team look at a turbulent week for the UK economy. As the blame game gets underway, the team discuss the consequences of bingeing on debt.

An all-weather strategy for a tough macro environment

An athlete is kayaking in a river

Global markets have faced a rough ride this year. How do investors navigate this choppy and uncertain environment? Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards show how their strategy’s well-considered approach has historically delivered through some rough patches over the years.

When is the best time to buy gold?

Gold bars with chart of gold price in the background

Ned Naylor-Leyland says a dovish pivot from central banks may trigger a rally in gold and silver prices.

Whatever it takes, no matter the cost?

An empty cart in a foggy forest

Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards argue that the Fed’s misguided focus on inflation will cause a deep recession – and offers compelling opportunities for fixed income investors.