Seeking true diversification during market turmoil

Light house in a raining and stormy night

Investors face problems in finding diversification when both global equities and bond markets fall. In such environments, the advantages of an allocation to uncorrelated assets are clear.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: “Economically devastating” … but for whom?

A piggy bank is sinking in the water

The Jupiter Merlin team discuss the crippling cost of the economic war raging between Russia and the West, a conflict in which Russia seemingly has the upper hand.

Notes from the Investment Floor: Investing in Asia, but avoiding China

A map of the Asia Pacific region, where Australia is prominent

Jason Pidcock explains why investing in Asia doesn’t have to mean China, and discusses where he believes many of the most attractive Asia Pacific opportunities can be found.

A Rich Vein of Opportunity for Gold and Silver Miners

Gold mine

Ned Naylor-Leyland, Investment Manager for Gold & Silver, assesses the prospects for the unloved shares of gold & silver miners and a possible shift in Fed policy.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Putin’s plan pays off as Western leaders fall

Deck of cards with the Ace and Joker showing

The Jupiter Merlin team discuss the success of Putin’s plan to weaponise energy and food prices, thereby contributing to economic and political turmoil in the West.

Notes from the Investment Floor: Why’s Japan’s inflation still so low?

A Japanese lady carrying a basket of food in a supermarket in Japan

Dan Carter discusses the macroeconomic dynamics at play in Japan, as the ‘immovable object’ of domestic deflation meets the ‘unstoppable force’ of global inflation.

Notes from the Investment Floor: Seeking sustainable investment ideas

A light bulb with magnifying glasses

Freddie Woolfe, Investment Analyst, Global Sustainable Equities discusses the team’s approach to identifying investment ideas.

Preparing for the sugar crash: opportunities in high yield credit

few colourful doughnuts

Adam Darling (Investment Manager, Fixed Income) argues that high yield’s tough year can get tougher still: but the best buying opportunity in decades may be near.

Japan after Abe: the political impact of a shocking tragedy

Japan flag on a light blue background

Dan Carter and Mitesh Patel digest the shocking news that former PM Shinzo Abe was murdered last week and discuss the potential political ramifications.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: The West’s descent into political chaos

Loose strings

The Jupiter Merlin team discuss a dramatic week in UK politics and analyse the travails of other Western nations, at a time when clear strategic thinking is most needed.