Coming to terms with a two-speed global economy

Coming to terms with a two-speed global economy

Mark Nash and Jupiter’s Fixed Income Alternatives team say the divergence in growth between the US and the rest of the world may stymie attempts to tame inflation.

Notes from the Investment Floor: Keep calm and avoid the frothiness

Bubbles in a tub

Brian McCormick explains those sitting on the sidelines can take comfort from history, and Luca Evangelisti discusses the outlook for financial bonds.

Methane Cut Pledge Is Big Boost for Transition to Net Zero

Jon-Wallace-Methane cut pledge -24.11.21

Jon Wallace discusses innovations in detecting methane and the importance of an agreement by major nations to reduce emissions of this harmful gas.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Flat Irn-Bru at COP26

Crushed drink can

The Jupiter Merlin team discuss the results of COP26, as well as the continuing struggles of central banks to frame policy regarding inflation.

Notes from the Investment Floor: What was achieved at COP26?

Polar bear on frozen water

Freddie Woolfe reviews what was and wasn’t achieved at COP26 and the implications for the market.

Inflation can remain sticky for a while yet … but not forever

Hot air balloon in the sky

Inflation remains transitory, but it’s putting central banks under pressure and at risk of making a policy mistake, says Ariel Bezalel.

Water, water, everywhere

ESG Clarity -18.11

In an article that first appeared on ESG Clarity, Abbie Llewellyn-Waters, Freddie Woolfe, and Jenna Zegleman, of Jupiter’s Global Sustainable Equity strategy, explain why water is not a limitless resource and why investment is essential to its future.

Resilience first in the post-Covid world


Nick Payne discusses how emerging markets companies are actively addressing supply chain fragility in the wake of the pandemic.

Could inflation finally reach Japan?


Restaurant prices are rising, but is this an isolated effect or the beginning of a genuine inflationary period for Japan? Dan Carter and Mitesh Patel give their view.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Divisions between the White House and Fed

The whitehouse

The Jupiter Merlin team discuss the policy landscape in the US, where the White House and the Federal Reserve seem at odds over how to deal with rising inflation.