Unlocking opportunities in global fixed income
Unlocking opportunities in global fixed income
Listen to the latest webcast from Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards, who discuss the path for inflation and growth, what potential pitfalls to be wary of, and how their portfolios are positioned for 2021.
Latest Insights
Fixed Income: The spotlight is on government bonds
Fixed Income: The spotlight is on government bonds
Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards examine the prospects for the US economy and the outlook for interest rates following the first rate cut in the current cycle.
Read time - 5 min.
What’s in store as the rate cycle turns?
What’s in store as the rate cycle turns?
Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards assess the factors that helped tame inflation and analyse the prospects for the global economy in the months ahead.
Read time - 5 min.
Higher rates begin to bite
Higher rates begin to bite
Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards discuss how the US economy is finally feeling the impact of higher rates and where they see value across the fixed income spectrum.
Read time - 5 min.
Talking Factsheet – Jupiter Strategic Bond Fund
Talking Factsheet – Jupiter Strategic Bond Fund
Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards give an overview of Jupiter’s unconstrained bond strategy, how the investment process works, and how the team seek to generate alpha.