Funds in the spotlight
A carefully selected range of actively-managed funds that we think you will find of interest.
Selected for you, by us
These examples from Jupiter’s extensive fund range showcase the breadth of our investment expertise. Within each section you will find more details including latest insights from the fund management team.
Designed to deliver
Multi-manager portfolios constructed to deliver a range of specific outcomes
A flexible and unconstrained approach designed to maximise returns in different macro environments
A genuinely differentiated fund blending exposure to gold and silver bullion, and gold and silver mining equities.
Taking a stake in the highest quality companies who actively balance the needs of three core stakeholders: Planet, People and Profit.
Alpha generation through appropriate risk positioning
A style-agnostic sterling corporate bond fund that is active, pragmatic and risk aware in its search for risk-adjusted returns.
Finding diversification during uncertain markets.
Investing in stocks that can navigate disruptive forces to the economy.
A strategy that uses dynamic and speedy asset allocation to target risk-adjusted returns and small drawdowns.
A premium-yielding, core-growth Japanese equity fund that seeks businesses with the ability and willingness to increase pay-outs.
Taking a disciplined, high conviction approach aimed at investing in undervalued, cash-generative companies with strong balance sheets and reliable dividends.
Jupiter’s UK small and mid-cap equities investment team, led by Tim Service, seek to generate strong, sustainable returns by investing in the shares of companies with well-underwritten growth, upgrade potential and/or possible inflection points.