Fund-specific risks

  • Currency (FX) Risk – The Fund can be exposed to different currencies and movements in foreign exchange rates can cause the value of investments to fall as well as rise.
  • Pricing Risk – Price movements in financial assets mean the value of assets can fall as well as rise, with this risk typically amplified in more volatile market conditions.
  • Emerging Markets Risk – Emerging markets are potentially associated with higher levels of political risk and lower levels of legal protection relative to developed markets. These attributes may negatively impact asset prices.
  • Market Concentration Risk (Geographical Region/Country) – Investing in a particular country or geographic region can cause the value of this investment to rise or fall more relative to investments whose focus is spread more globally in nature.
  • Derivative risk – the Fund may use derivatives to reduce costs and/or the overall risk of the Fund (this is also known as Efficient Portfolio Management or «EPM»). Derivatives involve a level of risk, however, for EPM they should not increase the overall riskiness of the Fund.
  • Liquidity Risk (less liquid securities) – some investments may be hard to value or sell at a desired time and price. In extreme circumstances this may affect the Fund’s ability to meet redemption requests upon demand.
  • Liquidity Risk (general) – During difficult market conditions there may not be enough investors to buy and sell certain investments. This may have an impact on the value of the Fund.
  • Counterparty Risk – the risk of losses due to the default of a counterparty e.g. on a derivatives contract or a custodian that is safeguarding the Fund’s assets.
  • Smaller Companies – The Fund invests in smaller companies, which can be less liquid than investments in larger companies and can have fewer resources than larger companies to cope with unexpected adverse events. In less favourable market conditions these companies may therefore under-perform larger companies and the Fund may under-perform funds that invest predominantly in larger companies.
  For a more detailed explanation of risks, please refer to the «Risk Factors» section of the prospectus.

The Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document (KIID) or Key Information Document (KID) are available for download in the document library.

The value of active minds: independent thinking

A key feature of Jupiter’s investment approach is that we eschew the adoption of a house view, instead preferring to allow our specialist fund managers to formulate their own opinions on their asset class. As a result, it should be noted that any views expressed – including on matters relating to environmental, social and governance considerations – are those of the author(s), and may differ from views held by other Jupiter investment professionals.