New horizons for ecological investing


Jon Wallace looks at the next wave of innovation in sustainable and ecological investing coming in 2021, epitomised by the transition to a more circular economy.

Financial inclusion will help shape the next decade

Financial inclusion is about ensuring that people have access to basic financial services. It is a key enabler for some of the United Nations’ seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDNs) such as the eradication of poverty, the closing of the gender gap and the reduction of inequalities.

Great companies can navigate economic ups and downs

2021 Outlook Mark N and Mark H

At a time of economic uncertainty, sticking with industry-leading companies matters.

A country divided

A country divided - Abbie insights

Abbie Llewellyn-Waters, fund manager, global sustainable equities at Jupiter, reflects on the meaning of the Democrat victory and the implications for investors.

Searching the Four Corners for Fixed Income Opportunities

Searching the Four Corners for Fixed Income Opportunities

Ariel Bezalel, Head of Strategy, Fixed Income, explains the appeal of a global flexible bond strategy, sharing his views on the macro environment and the corporate credit and government bond markets.

US election – rapid reaction from Jupiter fund managers

US election – rapid reaction from Jupiter fund managers

After one of the most dramatic and anticipated electoral events in modern history, the American people have voted, and the race for the White House is close.

The European Growth team – Your Questions, Their Answers

Q&A: Jupiter European Growth Strategy

We put your questions to Mark Nichols and Mark Heslop from our European Growth team.

Q&A with Alejandro Arevalo

Q&A with Alejandro Arevalo

In this Q&A, Alejandro Arevalo, Fund Manager, Emerging Market Debt, corrects some of the common misconceptions about investing in emerging market debt, and discusses where he is currently finding the best opportunities.

Income: Taking a Calculated Risk

Income: Taking a calculated risk

Alejandro Arevalo, Ariel Bezalel, Luca Evangelisti and Talib Sheikh share their views on how they approach generating income in a period of negative interest rates and historically low yields in bond markets, and why it’s important to have both a credit analyst and risk manager mindset.

EM short duration: Accessing attractive yields with limited volatility

Accessing attractive yields with limited volatility

Alejandro Arevalo, Fund Manager, Emerging Market Debt, and Reza Karim, Assistant Fund Manager, discuss the benefits of taking a short duration approach to investing in emerging market debt.