Are you wrong about Japan?

Are you wrong about Japan?

Dan Carter and Mitesh Patel tackle some of the misconceptions about Japan, and look factors such as low carbon technology and inflation.

Asia Pacific for income & growth – but be selective

Asia Pacific for income & growth – but be selective

Asia Pacific continues to provide plenty of attractive growth and income opportunities. But an active approach is key, says Jason Pidcock, Head of Strategy, Asian Income.

Why 2022 could be a good year for Chinese equities

Why 2022 could be a good year for Chinese equities

2021 was a difficult year for Chinese equities, but Vincent Che, Fund Manager, Ping An Asset Management, and Oliver Lee, Investment Director, explain why the backdrop is improving.

CoCos remain an oasis in the yield desert

CoCos remain an oasis in the yield desert

Luca Evangelisti discusses inflation, risk and the outlook for contingent capital, or CoCos, a type of fixed-interest bond issued by banks and financial institutions.

Tightening into a slowdown: central banks risk policy mistake

Tightening into a slowdown: central banks risk policy mistake

Higher inflation is putting pressure on central banks to raise interest rates earlier than expected say Ariel Bezalel, Head of Strategy, Fixed Income and Harry Richards, Fund Manager, Fixed Income.

A post-pandemic world would mark a new era

The post-pandemic world marks a new era

There will be no return to normal, say the team at NZS Capital. Instead they see a continuation of the digitisation trend in which the winners exhibit “non-zero-sumness”.

Emerging markets in 2022: headwinds to become tailwinds

Emerging markets in 2022: headwinds to become tailwinds

Nick Payne, Head of Strategy, global emerging markets focus, explains why 2022 could be a strong year for emerging countries after their vaccination programmes catch up.

European outlook: four megathemes

European outlook: Four megathemes

Mark Heslop and Mark Nichols, Fund Managers, European Growth, look beyond 2022, considering some of the longer-term trends that are likely to impact investment performance.

Financials fighting to find opportunities in the next digital revolution

Financials fighting to find opportunities in the next digital revolution

Banks are fighting back against fintech companies by embracing innovation, poaching top tech talent, and changing their ways of working says Guy de Blonay, Head of Global Financials and Innovation.

Our hopes for people, planet and profit

Our hopes for people, planet and profit

Abbie Llewellyn-Waters, Freddie Woolfe, and Jenna Zegleman of Jupiter’s Global Sustainable Equity strategy, set out the progress they would like to see in 2022 and in years ahead on climate change, inequality and biodiversity.