Low correlation
Value-adding diversifiers. Strategies with low correlation to mainstream equity and credit markets seek to produce attractive risk-adjusted returns across diverse market environments.
Strategic Absolute Return Bond | Absolute return objective. Dynamic, macro-driven strategy with the general risk profile of traditional fixed income and positive return when equity, credit and rates markets were negative. |
Systematic Equity Market Neutral | Market neutral, rules-based, and factor-driven global equity strategy seeks to dynamically harvest proven equity risk premia. |
Latest insights
Staying Patient in Global High Yield Credit
Staying Patient in Global High Yield Credit
Fund manager Adam Darling says high yield credit has had a good run so far this year, but that investors should continue to watch the economic data closely for any threats to the prevailing soft landing narrative.
Read time- 5 min.
Fixed Income: The spotlight is on government bonds
Fixed Income: The spotlight is on government bonds
Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards examine the prospects for the US economy and the outlook for interest rates following the first rate cut in the current cycle.
Read time- 5 min.
India: Are the growth drivers intact?
India: Are the growth drivers intact?
Avinash Vazirani and Colin Croft take stock of the Indian economy and what that holds for the country’s stocks.
Read time- 4 min.
What’s in store as the rate cycle turns?
What’s in store as the rate cycle turns?
Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards assess the factors that helped tame inflation and analyse the prospects for the global economy in the months ahead.
Read time- 5 min.
Contact us
Contact Jupiter EMEA Institutional for more information.
Simon Barrett
Co-Head of Global Institutional
Mob: 07733 118 646
Tel: 020 3817 1050
[email protected]
Richard Hooper
Head of Institutional – Middle East and Africa
Tel: +65 6990 9129
[email protected]
Rachel Perini
Head of Institutional – UK and Netherlands
Tel: 020 3817 1309
[email protected]
Email: [email protected]