Corporate Sustainability

At Jupiter, we recognise that as an asset management business, we have a dual opportunity to promote sustainability. On the one hand, through our investments, we are able to invest on behalf of our clients in companies that respect environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, and that contribute to the transition to a low-carbon and inclusive economy. On the other hand, we aim to embed sustainability throughout our own operations, activities and supply chain, reducing our environmental impact and enhancing Jupiter’s contribution to social value. By doing so, we can create long-term value for our clients, shareholders and other stakeholders.  

Jupiter’s Corporate Sustainability strategy consists of action through three key pillars:

Reporting & Ratings

At Jupiter, we believe that reporting and ratings are essential tools to communicate our sustainability performance and impact to our stakeholders. We use the following approaches to disclose our sustainability information:

Mandatory Reporting

We comply with all relevant regulations and standards that require us to report on our sustainability performance. This ensures that we foster transparency and provide consistent and comparable data to our clients, shareholders and regulators. Please see our Resources & Reports section for more information.

Voluntary Reporting

We go beyond regulatory compliance by reporting on our sustainability initiatives and achievements through other voluntary frameworks, such as CDP (previously Carbon Disclosure Project) and the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment. Through this we hope to demonstrate our commitment to higher standards of sustainability reporting and enhance investor confidence. Please see our Resources & Reports section for more information.

Sustainability Ratings

We participate in various sustainability ratings and assessments which provide external benchmarking and validation of our corporate sustainability performance. These ratings help us identify our strengths and areas for improvement. Our sustainability reporting and ratings are reflected in the following scores and recognitions:

  • Bloomberg (51.11%) – provided January 2024
  • CDP (A-) – provided February 2024 
  • FTSE4Good  (4.6/5) – provided June 2024
  • MSCI (AAA) – provided July 2024
  • Sustainalytics (16.7 Low Risk) – provided November 2023 

Please see our Resources & Reports section for more information.

Metrics, Targets & Initiatives 

At Jupiter, we use sustainability metrics, targets and initiatives as the three key aspects to measure, manage and improve our environmental performance and impact at a corporate level.

Sustainability Metrics

Accurate data collection and management is fundamental to understanding and improving our environmental and social impact, forming the basis for decision making, strategy and development. For example, we assess metrics related to our Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions operational footprint on an annual basis, using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. We disclose our performance and progress through various channels, such as our Annual Sustainability Report, our website and our participation in the CDP (previously Carbon Disclosure Project) climate change questionnaire.

Sustainability Targets

We recognise that setting clear, measurable targets provides direction and accountability and is essential for driving continuous improvement and achieving long-term sustainability goals. At the corporate level, we have set ambitious targets on our operational decarbonisation, in line with a 1.5 degree Celsius pathway. 

Please see our Resources & Reports section for more information.

Sustainability Initiatives

Specific initiatives translate strategy into action and progress toward operational efficiency. We have implemented various initiatives across our operations, such as switching to renewable electricity, enhancing our recycling and waste management, promoting greener travel and engaging with our employees and suppliers on sustainability issues. 

Please see our Resources & Reports section for more information.

Stakeholder Engagement 

As allocators of capital on behalf of our clients, we have a duty of care to our stakeholders. Through this pillar we intend to deepen relationships which we have with our communities, people and shareholders.  

Internal Stakeholders

We believe that engaging our employees through training and involvement in sustainability efforts enhances awareness and fosters a responsible culture. We provide updates and training on sustainability initiatives through various internal channels and encourage our employees to share their views and feedback on our sustainability practices. Moreover, we support our employees to take part in volunteering and fundraising activities that contribute to social and environmental causes aligned with our values and priorities.

Please see our Resources & Reports section for more information.

External Stakeholders

We understand that effective engagement with our external stakeholders is essential for transparency, building trust and aligning with stakeholder expectations. We engage with our clients, shareholders, regulators, suppliers and other stakeholders through meetings, calls, events and surveys to understand their perspectives and address their concerns on sustainability issues.

Please see our Resources & Reports section for more information.

If you would like to help us on our sustainability journey, we invite you to engage with us directly by emailing

Industry Associations

We recognise the value of participating in industry associations and collaborative efforts that allow for the sharing of best practice, leveraging collective action and influencing broader industry standards and policies. We are members of several industry initiatives and networks.  Please see below for a list of organisations which we are proud to support: