Jupiter Pension Scheme

Find all Jupiter Pension Scheme documents here.

How does the situation in Ukraine affect my pension?

The current macro-economic events continue to increase investment market volatility across many financial markets, including but not limited to, the continued war in Ukraine and the “mini budget” announced by the Chancellor on 23 September 2022.

The situation in Ukraine has led to the value of many Russian assets to plummet which is strongly driven by the effect of economic sanctions against Russia from the UK, EU, US and other countries. However, the direct exposures to Russian and/or Ukrainian securities are minimal in the Jupiter Pension Scheme and all funds remain open and available to trade.

The recent budget has increased volatility in UK bond markets and exchange rates. Whilst this can be unsettling, the Scheme’s default investment strategy is globally diversified. This means investments are spread across a wide range of asset classes, geographies, and companies, which helps funds to be more resilient in times of volatility.

It is common for investment markets to react to these kind of events and volatility may continue in the short term. No action is required and, in general terms pension scheme investments should maintain a longer-term outlook with regards to their DC pension investments and to try not to focus too heavily on short-term market movements. Members are reminded that they can review and change their investment options at any time. Current employees can find the form on the Jupiter intranet and former employees should contact Mercer via the details below.

The Trustee continues to monitor developments and will update this information if it becomes appropriate.

If you have a question or need to request further information, members should contact the Scheme Administrator, Mercer:

Post Handling Centre

Maclaren House
Talbot Road
M32 0FP

Tel: 0345 618 9670
Email: bracknell-core@mercer.com

For any other query please email hrreward@jupiteram.com or write to :

HR Department
Jupiter Asset Management Limited
The Zig Zag Building
70 Victoria Street