Modi’s re-election augurs well for reforms

Modi’s re-election augurs well for reforms

Avinash Vazirani and Colin Croft say India offers a compelling choice for long-term investments as Modi stays as the prime minister for another five-year term.

The disinflation story is still intact

A person is tapping on an ipad which shows a line chart

Q1 of 2024 has seen a slight reacceleration in inflation data in the US on a month on month basis, which has brought some market participants to question whether the disinflation story is still intact.

Remoteness: Accessing the best of emerging markets

Remoteness: Accessing the best of emerging markets

Jason Pidcock and Sam Konrad discuss the theme of “remoteness” and highlight where they’re finding the most attractive emerging market opportunities in Asia Pacific.

Australia: The world’s most attractive developed market?

Jason Pidcock and Sam Konrad explain why they think Australia offers some of the best equity income opportunities in the Asia Pacific region, and arguably, the world.

Asia Pacific equities: Enablers of the AI revolution

Jason Pidcock and Sam Konrad discuss the AI theme in the Asia Pacific (ex Japan) region and highlight where they’re finding some of the most attractive tech opportunities.

India: All eyes on Modi’s prospects amid growth optimism

Avinash Vazirani and Colin Croft say investors will focus on the outcome of the upcoming national election and what that could mean for government policies amid growth optimism.

Major developed markets will likely enter a recession

Financial data

It is my belief that major developed markets economies are going to see a material slowdown and most likely a recession.

Asia Pacific (ex Japan): What’s on our minds

In their latest note, Jason Pidcock and Sam Konrad take a closer look at the latest economic data and news coming from Australia, India and China, as well as the longer-term trends they’re seeing the Asia Pacific (ex Japan) region.

What central banks are saying about gold

Gold bars

Ned Naylor-Leyland says investors should pay attention to the views of central bankers on gold, especially since the yellow metal is nearing an inflection point.

Reality will bite for central banks

Jupiter dynamic bond team

In the second half of 2023, Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards (Investment Managers) expect central banks to become more worried about growth than inflation.