Differentiation is key in EMD

Differentiation is key in EMD

Alejandro Di Bernardo, Credit Analyst, Emerging Market Debt, explains why it’s a good time to invest in EMD, but it’s all about differentiation.

Slowdown in population growth creates economic time bomb

New born babies in incubators

The world may not be having enough children to sustain economic growth at current levels.

Examining Japan’s green technology credentials

Electric car chargers

Dan Carter and Mitesh Patel ask how ready Japan’s corporate sector is to capitalise upon the green technology revolution.

Bond yields off to the races in early 2022

2022 sign in gold

Mark Nash, Head of Fixed Income Alternatives, discusses a turbulent start to the year in bond markets, and considers whether the market isn’t yet pricing in enough interest rates rises in the US.

General Powell’s Last Stand?

General Powell’s Last Stand?

Ned Naylor-Leyland, head of strategy for Gold&Silver, explains the curious divergence in the price of gold and real interest rates and argues that a Fed policy error may be the trigger for a golden rebound.

Demographics: Japan’s ‘mother theme’

3 men running together

Dan Carter and Mitesh Patel address the ‘mother theme’ of Japanese investing: demographics. Japan’s society continues to age, but what are the implications?

Notes from the Investment Floor: Winter is coming for the UK economy

Notes from the Investment Floor: Winter is coming for the UK economy

Richard Buxton appraises the prospects for the global and UK economies, as a variety of challenges present a tough environment for economic growth.

ESG math isn’t so straightforward as it seems

ESG math isn’t so straightforward as it seems

The true environmental impact of an industry such as semiconductors is a complex calculation, says NZS Capital co-founder Brad Slingerlend.

Are you wrong about Japan?

Are you wrong about Japan?

Dan Carter and Mitesh Patel tackle some of the misconceptions about Japan, and look factors such as low carbon technology and inflation.

Asia Pacific for income & growth – but be selective

Asia Pacific for income & growth – but be selective

Asia Pacific continues to provide plenty of attractive growth and income opportunities. But an active approach is key, says Jason Pidcock, Head of Strategy, Asian Income.