Stablecoin scrutiny offers clues to cryptocurrency regulation

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Governments are watching the growth of stablecoins, says NZS Capital’s Brad Slingerlend. How they are regulated may provide pointers to the future of cryptocurrency.

Notes from the Investment Floor: Is Evergrande China’s Lehman moment?

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Nick Payne assesses the latest developments in the Evergrande saga, while Matt Cable discusses a thriving UK IPO market.

Inflation: demographics, narrative, and the snow globe economy


Ariel Bezalel, Ned Naylor-Leyland and Talib Sheikh examine the inflation debate and the implications it has for their asset classes.

Generating returns in a zero-yield world


Mark Nash discusses alternative ways for fixed income investors to generate returns in a zero-yield world, through flexibility and controlled risk management.

Will gold regain its lustre as stimulus kindles inflation hopes?

Ned Naylor-Leyland, Head of Strategy, Gold & Silver, says gold looks interesting at the moment as prices remain much below the peak seen a year ago amid uncertainty posed by new variants of coronavirus.

Notes from the Investment Floor: A grim economic outlook?

People carrying umbrellas in the rain

Vikram Aggarwal analyses what the Evergrande crisis and a deteriorating economic outlook means for the overall market environment.

A strategy for all seasons

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Mark Nash explains the merits of an ‘absolute return’ approach to fixed income, in an era of dramatically changed policymaking when fundamentals are no longer enough.

Keep clipping the coupon, but be selective


Alejandro Arevalo argues that EMD is less overvalued than many areas, and has the breadth to offer attractive opportunities if you know where to look – and what to avoid.

Gold & Silver update

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Ned Naylor-Leyland gives an update on gold and silver. He believes if just one of the market’s key assumptions is wrong then monetary metals should be due for a rally.

Japan rolls the dice again as Suga steps down

4 dice being rolled landing

Dan Carter and Mitesh Patel digest the news that Prime Minister Suga will not stand for re-election. Who will take his place?