Several major central banks have started to cut interest rates, as inflationary pressures have begun to ease, and growth expectations have fallen. In September, the US Federal Reserve (“Fed”) reduced rates for the first time in more than four years, from a two-decade high; more rate cuts are expected shortly. Elsewhere, several central banks had already started to cut rates before the US, while others are likely to follow suit.

Given significant ongoing political and geopolitical risk, and scope for shocks, central banks could bring rates down even faster than current consensus expectations.

Growing focus on dividends

In a lower interest rate world, dividend income will likely become better appreciated by investors. This means that we expect to see investors shifting their focus towards companies that offer generous dividend policies.

In the Jupiter Asian Equity Income strategy, we look to identify the most attractive income and growth opportunities in the Asia Pacific (ex Japan) region, with a focus on companies that have both an ability and a willingness to pay – and grow – their dividends. We look for companies that have high barriers to entry, solid balance sheets, strong management teams and good governance.

Performing well in a lower rate environment…

As the interest rate cutting cycle begins and we potentially see a tougher global economic environment over the next 12 months, we believe that our strategy is well positioned for this backdrop. Some of our companies generate earnings that are relatively “defensive” or less volatile; at the same time, we also have exposure to other companies that we think should be able to adapt well, with earnings that we think will continue to structurally grow, for example in the technology sector.

Within the property sector, we now hold four REITs in our strategy: Link REIT in Hong Kong; Dexus in Australia; Embassy Office Park REIT in India; and Singapore-listed CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust, which we added to the strategy in September. As rates come down, the cost of REITs’ debt will also come down.  Furthermore, as so-called “bond proxies”, their dividend yields will become increasingly attractive in relative terms, compared to the lower bond yields on offer.

Elsewhere, we also have exposure to gold through a position in Newmont, the world’s largest gold miner. We think US-dollar gold will be supported by a fall in US interest rates while fiscal deficits remain extremely high, and geopolitical tensions remain elevated.

…regardless of a hard or soft landing

If lower interest rates were to be accompanied by a hard or harder economic landing, we hold plenty of businesses that we believe would be resilient. These include a toll road operator in Australia (Transurban), a Korean infrastructure company (Macquarie Korea Infrastructure Fund), the largest electricity transmission company in India (Power Grid Corporation), two telecommunications companies (Singapore Telecommunications or “SingTel”, and Telkom Indonesia), and a Singapore-based engineering and defence company (ST Engineering).

We also hold several companies that we believe are better positioned for a soft landing instead, including our five technology holdings: TSMC, MediaTek, Samsung Electronics, Hon Hai Precision and HCL Technologies. If we were to see an economic downturn, however, we believe that many companies in the technology sector would still prove to be more resilient than some currently predict. The tech companies we hold are all in a net cash position; they offer attractive dividend yields; and we view each as the best, or among the best, at what it does.

Navigating a changing backdrop

We believe that many of the companies we hold should benefit from, or remain resilient in, a lower interest rate environment. Rather than taking big bets on economic scenarios, we prefer to make more modest adjustments to position the portfolio so it can deliver through macroeconomic cycles – irrespective of whether the outlook is improving or deteriorating, growth or value as a style is “in vogue”, or geopolitical tensions are rising or falling.

Our approach has worked well for us over time: we have faced many different macro and market conditions for our Asian Equity Income strategy, but we have been able to successfully navigate the changing backdrop. If we were to see shocks as a result of escalating geopolitical tensions, and rates were to come down even faster than current expectations, we believe the strategy is positioned in such a way that it should be able to withstand these shocks relatively well.
Strategy-specific risks
  • Currency (FX) Risk – The strategy can be exposed to different currencies and movements in foreign exchange rates can cause the value of investments to fall as well as rise.
  • Pricing Risk – Price movements in financial assets mean the value of assets can fall as well as rise, with this risk typically amplified in more volatile market conditions.
  • Emerging Markets Risk – Emerging markets are potentially associated with higher levels of political risk and lower levels of legal protection relative to developed markets. These attributes may negatively impact asset prices.
  • Market Concentration Risk (Geographical Region/Country) – Investing in a particular country or geographic region can cause the value of this investment to rise or fall more relative to investments whose focus is spread more globally in nature.
  • Market Concentration Risk (Number of holdings) – The strategy holds a relatively small number of stocks and may therefore be more exposed to under-performance of a particular company or group of companies compared to a portfolio that invests in a greater number of stocks.
  • Derivative Risk – the strategy may use derivatives to reduce costs and/or the overall risk of the strategy (this is also known as Efficient Portfolio Management or “EPM”). Derivatives involve a level of risk, however, for EPM they should not increase the overall riskiness of the strategy.
  • Liquidity Risk (general) – During difficult market conditions there may not be enough investors to buy and sell certain investments. This may have an impact on the value of the strategy.
  • Counterparty Risk – the risk of losses due to the default of a counterparty e.g. on a derivatives contract or a custodian that is safeguarding the strategy’s assets.
  • Charges from capital – Some or all of the strategy’s charges are taken from capital. Should there not be sufficient capital growth in the strategy this may cause capital erosion.
  • Stock Connect Risk – Stock Connect is governed by regulations which are subject to change. Trading limitations and restrictions on foreign ownership may constrain the strategy’s ability to pursue its investment strategy.

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The value of active minds: independent thinking


A key feature of Jupiter’s investment approach is that we eschew the adoption of a house view, instead preferring to allow our specialist fund managers to formulate their own opinions on their asset class. As a result, it should be noted that any views expressed – including on matters relating to environmental, social and governance considerations – are those of the author(s), and may differ from views held by other Jupiter investment professionals.

Important information

This document is intended for investment professionals* and is not for the use or benefit of other persons, including retail investors. This document is for informational purposes only and is not investment advice. Company examples are for illustrative purposes only and are not recommendations to buy or sell. Market and exchange rate movements can cause the value of an investment to fall as well as rise, and you may get back less than originally invested. The views expressed are those of the individuals mentioned at the time of writing, are not necessarily those of Jupiter as a whole, and may be subject to change. This is particularly true during periods of rapidly changing market circumstances. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, but no assurance or warranties are given. Issued in the UK by Jupiter Asset Management Limited (JAM), registered address: The Zig Zag Building, 70 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6SQ is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Issued in the EU by Jupiter Asset Management International S.A. (JAMI), registered address: 5, Rue Heienhaff, Senningerberg L-1736, Luxembourg which is authorised and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier. No part of this document may be reproduced in any manner without the prior permission of JAM/JAMI/JAM HK.


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