Notes from the Investment Floor – Reflation trade may struggle in H2

Notes from the Investment Floor - Reflation trade may struggle in H2

Ariel Bezalel discusses the outlook for global bond markets and the headwinds to President Biden’s spending plans.

Silver: A Populist Metal for a Populist Era


Ned Naylor-Leyland says silver, the populist monetary metal, is poised to become even more popular.

Credit ratings: back in the spotlight?

Man walking across a tight rope in smart clothes

It pays to “do your own homework” and avoid generalisations when considering corporate credit ratings.

Monetary Metal Matters – Sink or Swim for the LBMA?

Floating ring in the water

Ned Naylor-Leyland looks at the implications of the Basel 3 framework for the Gold market, as the possible end of the LBMA-led status quo approaches.

The inflation illusion? Why deflationary forces still dominate


Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards discuss whether inflationary pressures are likely to be cyclical or structural.

A look back on the last six months and a look at what may lie ahead

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Mark Nichols and Mark Heslop, fund managers in the Jupiter European growth strategy, discuss market activity and positioning.

The Enduring Lustre of Gold and Silver

Ned Naylor-Leyland discusses why the outlook may be favourable for monetary metals and why it’s an interesting time for gold and silver miners.

Note from the Investment Floor – Can the US decarbonise its energy?

Jon Wallace outlines some of the challenges ahead if the US is to meet its “borderline physically possible” clean energy targets.

No more waiting: it’s time for change

In an article first published in ESG Clarity, Abbie Llewellyn-Waters assesses the state of progress on social policy and climate change.

Emerging Market Debt: Looking through the noise to deliver alpha?

Being prepared for the unexpected is a huge part of EMD investing. Alejandro Arevalo attempts to make sense of market moves, and explains how he aims to deliver alpha.