Monetary Metal Matters – Sink or Swim for the LBMA?

Floating ring in the water

Ned Naylor-Leyland looks at the implications of the Basel 3 framework for the Gold market, as the possible end of the LBMA-led status quo approaches.

The gold trading market: How it works and why it matters

Daniel March looks at the market structure for gold and sees potentially important implications for investors.

The inflation illusion? Why deflationary forces still dominate


Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards discuss whether inflationary pressures are likely to be cyclical or structural.

The Enduring Lustre of Gold and Silver

Ned Naylor-Leyland discusses why the outlook may be favourable for monetary metals and why it’s an interesting time for gold and silver miners.

Silver keeps its shine

Ned Naylor-Leyland explains why silver spot prices remain strong.

Note from the Investment Floor – Can the US decarbonise its energy?

Jon Wallace outlines some of the challenges ahead if the US is to meet its “borderline physically possible” clean energy targets.

No more waiting: it’s time for change

In an article first published in ESG Clarity, Abbie Llewellyn-Waters assesses the state of progress on social policy and climate change.

Emerging Market Debt: Looking through the noise to deliver alpha?

Being prepared for the unexpected is a huge part of EMD investing. Alejandro Arevalo attempts to make sense of market moves, and explains how he aims to deliver alpha.

ESG risks for credit investors: looking beyond the acronym

Fully embedding ESG factors into a corporate bond investment philosophy means considering longer term risks to issuers that the market may currently be under-pricing – or even ignoring.

India’s second wave

India’s second wave of Covid cases is a tragic situation that may take months to fully resolve, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.