Asia Pacific equities: Enablers of the AI revolution

Jason Pidcock and Sam Konrad discuss the AI theme in the Asia Pacific (ex Japan) region and highlight where they’re finding some of the most attractive tech opportunities.

India: All eyes on Modi’s prospects amid growth optimism

Avinash Vazirani and Colin Croft say investors will focus on the outcome of the upcoming national election and what that could mean for government policies amid growth optimism.

European Commercial Real Estate: A mixed bag after recent rally

Luca Evangelisti, Head of Credit Research, Paridhi Garg, Credit Analyst, and Leon Wei, Credit Analyst, explain the reasons behind the commercial real estate crisis in Europe and examine its impact across fixed income and European financial markets.

European equities spotlight: Carel

Jupiter’s European equities team discusses the quality growth characteristics of the Italian manufacturer Carel, one of the holdings in the team’s smaller companies strategy.

Asia Pacific (ex Japan): What’s on our minds

In their latest note, Jason Pidcock and Sam Konrad take a closer look at the latest economic data and news coming from Australia, India and China, as well as the longer-term trends they’re seeing the Asia Pacific (ex Japan) region.

Outlook 2024: Japan’s radical restructuring

Dan Carter looks ahead to what 2024 may bring for investors in Japan, including continuing corporate reform and potentially a new Prime Minister.

Outlook 2024: India’s booming as voters back pro-growth Modi

Avinash Vazirani expects India’s economy to build on its strengths in 2024, which should bode well for investors. Will Modi secure a third term as Prime Minister?

Emerging Markets Outlook – set to shine

Nick Payne examines how global emerging markets have performed in 2023 and looks at the opportunities ahead in the new year.

Outlook 2024: Why quality matters in European equities

Mark Nichols and Mark Heslop discuss investing in quality growth companies in Europe and how these companies are better able to manage macroeconomic challenges.

Outlook 2024: investing sustainably for the decades ahead

The Jupiter Global Sustainable Equities investment team reflect on the catalysts driving companies toward a more sustainable world.