Notes from the Investment Floor: Could China rebound in H2 2022?

Cargo from China

Salman Siddiqui discusses how emerging markets are coping with the economic backdrop, and points to reasons why the 2nd half of the year could see a turnaround for China.

Notes from the Investment Floor: The world of environmental solutions

Modern Hydrogen H2 train

Noelle Guo explains the opportunities available to investors in environmental solutions, such as tackling climate change and the need for natural capital restoration.

Notes from the Investment Floor: Opportunities for quality growth

global communication network

Mark Heslop explains why pricing power is important when identifying companies that can survive periods of market volatility.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Central banks hit the panic button

A stop button in front of central bank

The Jupiter Merlin team examine the efforts of central banks to manage inflation, as the Federal Reserve and European Central Bank appear to hit the panic button.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Inflation pinches as Putin puts West in a vice

British pound under pressure

The Jupiter Merlin team look at the tough choices inflation is putting on consumers, and the ways Russia is exploiting the situation in global commodity markets.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Why is nobody getting the UK economy match-fit?

A football pitch with a UK country flag

As policymakers and politicians find themselves at sea amid challenging conditions, the Jupiter Merlin team challenges the prevailing political orthodoxy.

Carbone Sans Frontières: action on carbon leakage

Environmental official with carbon emission from the background

In an article that first appeared on ESG Clarity, Abbie Llewellyn-Waters and Freddie Woolfe discuss the importance of internalising decarbonisation into stock analysis.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: The central bank policy porridge

Bowl of porridge

The Jupiter Merlin team discuss the attempts of central banks to navigate between recession and inflation, with mixed results that risk being either too hot or too cold.

Sleepwalking into an energy crisis

energy tank, tank ship in the sea

Richard Buxton argues that energy security means more natural gas, being honest about the clean energy transition and preparing for years of high energy prices.

Notes from the Investment Floor: Consumers chill on Netflix

Television remote control

As consumers tighten their belts with lower discretionary spending, Adam Darling discusses the impact on credit markets of a higher inflation, lower growth environment.