Jupiter Merlin Weekly: How egregious are BP’s profits?


The Jupiter Merlin team says big oil companies are an essential part of the energy transition process and making them uninvestable is no way to keep the lights on.

Russian risks and opportunities – looking beyond the headlines


Ross Teverson and Colin Croft address the flare-up in geopolitical tensions between Russia and the West. What does this mean for investors in the region?

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: The UK government’s multiple own goals

Jupiter Merlin Weekly The UK government’s multiple own goals

The Jupiter Merlin team look at the UK government’s endemic waste and political own goals, which threaten to hamstring the country’s prospects at a crucial juncture.

Technology enablers – “picks and shovels” in the tech gold rush


Ross Teverson, Colin Croft, and Matthew Pigott explain why they favour companies enabling technological change over some of the more ‘obvious’ names.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Weaning markets off the liquidity drug

101360-Merlin-Weekly-Macro-insight - Weaning markets off the liquidity drug -28.01.jpg

The Jupiter Merlin team look at the implications of the US Federal Reserve’s latest shift in monetary policy.

Notes from the Investment Floor: The central banking pantomime


Ned Naylor-Leyland comments on the dynamics in gold and silver markets, as a central banking pantomime has so far had a suppressing effect on prices.

Examining Japan’s green technology credentials

Electric car chargers

Dan Carter and Mitesh Patel ask how ready Japan’s corporate sector is to capitalise upon the green technology revolution.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Are politicians being honest about ‘net zero’?

Person signing a cheque

The Jupiter Merlin team address how politicians are pursuing ‘net zero’ targets, and whether they’re being honest with electorates about the reality of getting there.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Biden’s end of year report: must do better

The white house

The Jupiter Merlin team appraise President Biden’s first year in office, as missteps at home and abroad have left him looking increasingly embattled.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Two years on and still pandemic pandemonium

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Two years on and still pandemic pandemonium

The Jupiter Merlin team search for some Christmas cheer, as Covid, central bank policy and geopolitics conspire to bring about a troubling end to 2021.