Jupiter Merlin Weekly: The economics of the surreal

An illustration in the style of Salvador Dali, with a sunset landscape, rotary phone, and melting clock in the foreground.

The Jupiter Merlin team discuss a surreal economic situation, in which central banks and governments are seemingly pulling in opposite directions.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: ‘Black Wednesday’, or ‘Liberation Day’?

The City of London Skyline at Night

The Jupiter Merlin team look back at ‘Black Wednesday 30 years on, and ask whether it represents an economic calamity or a fortuitous dodging of an economic bullet.

When safe havens are hard to find


Traditional portfolios allocated only to equities and bonds may not always provide the diversification needed. A permanent allocation to alternatives with low correlation can help.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Might anti-inflation policies backfire?

Reflection of persons feet in a puddle

The Jupiter Merlin team look at the topsy-turvy approach taken to battling inflation by major governments and central banks.

Notes from the Investment Floor: Everything is screaming recession

Man shouting through a speaker

Adam Darling looks at the conflicting drivers of bond markets this year, as central banks tighten policy while major economies appear set for a painful recession.

Notes from the Investment Floor: India – A wealth of investment opportunities

As India overtakes the UK to become the fifth largest economy in the world, Colin Croft, Investment Manager, explains the resilience of Indian equities year to date.

Macro Monitor: Rates higher for longer?

US Federal Reserve (Fed) building against the backdrop of banknotes

The team managing the Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bond strategy analyses Fed policy and shares its outlook for interest rates and inflation.

Jupiter Gold and Silver Strategy – Responsible Investment Charter

Gold And Silver Cords Forming A Reef Knot

Our investment process seeks to identify well-managed companies engaged in activities related to the production of gold and silver. This Charter sets out what we believe to be some of the key attributes of a well-run mining company in relation to material Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues.

Not out of the woods yet

Image of the woods

Markets have bounced recently despite weaker economic data. Ariel Bezalel and Harry Richards argue the Fed’s pivot will be delayed and the slowdown sharp.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Inflation – talk of the town on both sides of the Atlantic

Percentage signs on the globe

The Jupiter Merlin team discusses the UK’s latest inflation data, Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act and the upcoming Jackson Hole Economic Symposium.