The gears of Japan’s labour market have seized up

Gears interlocking

Dan Carter and Mitesh Patel address the question of wage growth in Japan, which remains measly. But is Japan heading for a ‘singularity’ that could finally lift wages?

Finding income in Asia and largely avoiding China

Terraced rice field in Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam

Jason Pidcock discusses how Asia ex-Japan is sometimes wrongly overlooked by equity investors seeking income and why he is largely avoiding China.

Jupiter Merlin Weekly: Why is nobody getting the UK economy match-fit?

A football pitch with a UK country flag

As policymakers and politicians find themselves at sea amid challenging conditions, the Jupiter Merlin team challenges the prevailing political orthodoxy.

Notes from the Investment Floor: Food, fuel, and geopolitical ESG

Tractor in the fields

John Chatfeild-Roberts gives his assessment on the war in Ukraine and discusses the investment implications for the security and cost of food and fuel.

Systematic global equities: Tackling challenging macro environments

A tornado over a volatile line chart

With volatility likely to continue, Matus Mrazik explains how a systematic approach can help to weather tough macro and style environments.

Notes from the Investment Floor: The outlook looks bright for India

Indian woman teaching

Avinash Vazirani explains why India has held up better than many other equity markets year to date, and why the long-term outlook for India still looks positive.

Carbone Sans Frontières: action on carbon leakage

Environmental official with carbon emission from the background

In an article that first appeared on ESG Clarity, Abbie Llewellyn-Waters and Freddie Woolfe discuss the importance of internalising decarbonisation into stock analysis.

Japan’s growth cyclicals: opportunity or trap?

Dan Carter and Mitesh Patel discuss opportunities and risks in the Japanese market, concluding that ‘chance favours only the prepared mind’.

Sleepwalking into an energy crisis

energy ship, tank ship in the sea

Richard Buxton argues that energy security means more natural gas, being honest about the clean energy transition and preparing for years of high energy prices.

Notes from the Investment Floor: A ‘profit warning rich’ environment

Caution attention warning sign

With volatility spiking, Errol Francis looks at the pressures on markets, as commentary on the economic outlook worsens and the market reacts in indiscriminate fashion.